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Willkommen in der Zukunft, in der Menschen die Sonne verdunkeln müssen, damit unser Überleben nicht allein von Musks Marsraketen abhängt. Außerdem bald schon bei einem Lieferdienst des Vertrauens: SEO-Restaurants, die imaginäres Essen aus Geisterküchen verkaufen.

22nd Century Cyborg Death Squads

Will man wirklich noch mehr über Elon Musk lesen? Ja, wenn es so eine Abrechnung ist. Nur ein Absatz:  »You can see Musk’s dystopianism in the design for Tesla’s much-ridiculed Cybertruck, which looks to me like the preferred conveyance of 22nd century cyborg death squads. Legendary auto designer Frank Stephenson (of BMW, McLaren, Ferrari) says in a blistering review of the Cybertruck that it shows brutality and paranoia. (Musk has emphasized how bullet-resistant the truck is, as if we are resigned to a future of shooting each other on the highway.) Stephenson points out that the Cybertruck shows the bad kind of futurism, the kind that believes the future is something that happens to us, rather than that we dream and then create ourselves—meaning that a “futuristic” design is one that looks like “what we think the future is going to be” rather than what we want the future to be. Musk has said that “you want to wake up in the morning and think the future is going to be great.” But for Musk, this seems to mean maintaining same neo-feudal social relations, but with the cyberpolice driving sustainable electric death-mobiles.«

Eine andere Vision der Zukunft: Statt uns mit Musik in kargen Marshöhlen bei Minusgraden vor Sonnenstrahlung zu verstecken, retten wir das Klima der Erde. Mit Geo-Inverventionen!

Clickbait Ghost Kitchens

»In the 2020 ghost kitchen economy, design is the product. The specifics of a menu, the integrity of the cuisine—both, ultimately, are of little concern. The branding signals only to itself, to a mood, an energy, a current, an idea of an experience.« (Emma Kemp, professor at the Otis College of Art and Design)


Consolidated Platforms of America


Internet Explorer

Bis nächste Woche!

Das war Ausgabe #58 von THEFUTURE (Si apre in una nuova finestra), dem Newsletter über das wilde Internet und die Zukunft der Medien von Ole Reißmann (Si apre in una nuova finestra).