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Interview John Cutter (english preview)

Interview John Cutter (english preview)

We are talked to John Cutter, a North American game developer with well over 30 years of experience in the game industry. He began his career back in the 80s as a designer and programmer at Gamestar, where he mainly worked on sports games. He became known for his work at CinemaWare, where he was involved in well-known games such as Defender of the Crown and Rocket Ranger, and he was also the designer of the award-winning game Betrayal at Condor. Over the course of his career, he has designed and produced over 60 games, including modern things like Farewell Solitaire and others, and he worked for well-known companies such as CinemaWare Dynamics, Cave Dog, Big Fish Games and others. That sounds like a very interesting career.

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