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The Taste of Pussy

Have you ever licked pussy?

Okay, you nodded your head.

Great, then you know what I’m talking about.

And I hope you agree with me.

When I lick pussy, there’s, of course, the immediate fulfillment and satisfaction in that very moment.

No matter what else might be happening at the same time: my hands kneading her breasts, me fingering her, or her stroking my dick, or whatever...

But moving on: while I’m licking, I often don’t even notice it much in the moment – it hits me more afterward.

Afterward, there’s this period of time, which varies in length – provided I don’t immediately eat pasta with pesto or brush my teeth – when I can still taste her pussy in my mouth.

It’s an amazing feeling.

The feeling of victory.

The feeling of triumph.

The feeling of having done everything right.

The taste of pussy stands for fun, excitement, and thrill.

For what life is all about.

Truth. Authenticity. Honesty.

No lies, no intrigue. No bullshit.

You’ve done something that can’t really be distorted.

It can’t be twisted, and it’s not fake.

Anyway, that’s all I can think of right now, but I really wanted to share this with you.

Oh, wait – one more thing: I just enjoy the taste itself. For as long as I can. For as long as it lasts.

I even try to savor it.

Unless, of course, I get low blood sugar, which makes me grab something to eat or drink.

I also make sure to tell the woman in question that I like the taste of pussy.

And so far, it’s always been the case that she likes hearing that.

Of course, the same could go the other way – the taste of cock.

At this point, I challenge every woman reading this text to write something on the topic herself and send it to me.

Feel free to send it anonymously so I can publish it.

Maybe I’ll turn it into a series:

“The Taste of Cock #1.”

Who’s going to start?

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