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Is it possible you can make “Faster GAINZ” if you use kettlebells every day? (Si apre in una nuova finestra)

There’s a weird “dichotomy” or “division” between guys using kettlebells that maybe you’ve noticed.

On one side of the spectrum, there are guys who think they need to work out every day to make “Da GAINZ.”

On the other side is a group of guys who say they don’t have or can’t find the time to workout because they’re too busy.

I’ve felt part of both groups at various times in my life.

But the truth is, for many, if not most people, their best results are found training 3 days a week, every other day.

So why are we even talking about this?

Good question.

If you wanted to, and you “had the time,” it’s actually possible to achieve faster results in your training by using daily workouts - 5 to 6 days out of 7.

How exactly could you do this?

Before we discuss your options, realize this:

There’s an inverse relationship between workout / training frequency and effort and duration.

Said another way:

The more often you train, the shorter your workouts should be.

And the more often you train, the less effort you can / should put forth over each workout.

Unless of course you’re on “the gear.”

Then, from what I’ve heard, you’ll feel like Superman - or kind of like you did when you were 18, lifting, and still living at your parents’.

And this is because your workouts create the STIMULUS for growth, but REST is what allows you to “realize” your GAINZ.

So, here are some ideas for you if you wanted to train daily:

OPTION 1: Alternate traditional KB / Strength & Conditioning work with Active Recovery / Restoration work.

OPTION 2: Use a 3-day cycle - Strength, Conditioning, Restoration. Repeat.

OPTION 3: Use shorter - 15 to 20 workouts, 5 to 6 days a week.

OPTION 4: Strength train 3x week, walk 2-3x week, on alternate days.

OPTION 5: Train different biomotor abilities / outcomes on each day, for Ex: Power, Strength, Hypertrophy, Anaerobic Conditioning, Aerobic Conditioning

The sky’s the limit when putting these types of programs together (based upon your understanding of human physiology of course).

Personally, for “family men” - those of us with kids in the house - I’ve found that shorter, daily workouts - 5 days a week with weekends off…

… Are great for making progress without wearing you out or taking time away from your kids.

And that’s because:

1- You don’t feel destroyed after the shorter workouts, which means

2- You can show up the next day without feeling like you got hit by a truck

3- Which increases your motivation

4- Which increases your consistency

5- Which increases your energy levels

… All of which creates one big positive feedback loop.

Now obviously you can use one of the 5 options I provided for you to design your own daily Kettlebell workouts.

Hope this helped.

Stay Strong,


Argomento Kettlebell Workouts

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