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Therapists are scaredy-cats too.

They also freak out when something doesn’t go according to plan, as they learned in their studies or read in textbooks.

And then it begins:

“I don’t know how I can help you.”


“I have patients with voices in their heads who are unable to work, but you are.”


I once thought about studying psychology, and when I looked into it, I immediately came across information about professions with the highest suicide rates. Psychiatrists were right at the top, along with doctors. I don’t remember seeing lawyers on that list.

Honestly, I’m glad I didn’t pursue that field of study. It would’ve only gotten in the way of keeping a clear head. Of course, at first, I thought such a degree would help me figure myself out. But in my opinion, that works best when you don’t think in a narrow, limited way – as you might if you’d gone through that kind of academic program.

No doubt there are exceptions.

And you know what else I’m glad about?

Not becoming a bodyguard.

Not becoming a cop.

And not falling into the military trap.

Now, I think there’s nothing more pathetic than following dumb orders – doing things for people you don’t even know personally.

Risking your own life for money, for some other sucker.

That’s just way too stupid for me.

Anyway, let me get back to therapists...

Exactly: know thyself.

I think that’s one of the most important things in life. Sure, there are times when it’s fine to visit a therapist and talk about something. But let me tell you one thing: the main work, the real work – digging up all your own shit – you can’t avoid that.

You have to do it yourself. Most of the work falls on you.

Don’t fool yourself about that.

So, now tell me: what exactly did you take away from this text?

I’m curious.

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