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How to program Your Kettlebell Complexes vs Chains - Part 2 (S'ouvre dans une nouvelle fenêtre)

The simplest example is the time-tested Clean + Press.

Perform all your cleans first, then your presses, and you’re performing a complex.

Alternate between cleans and presses, and you’re performing a chain.

The difference between the two is as follows:

The complex increases your heart rate, and your need for oxygen and energy. You’re performing your presses in a state of fatigue, and mild accumulation of lactic acid (depending on how many reps you’re doing).

This makes the Presses harder.

In the chain, you’re using each Clean to set up the following Press. A properly performed Clean creates a “force wave” which then makes the subsequent press stronger.

So, even in the face of fatigue, this makes your Presses stronger.

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