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Building "Real World" Strength with Kettlebells (S'ouvre dans une nouvelle fenêtre)

LEVEL 3 workouts and programs train you for the following:

1️. Produce more power (work) - which can make you stronger, more explosive, and even build more lean muscle mass

2️. Build strength-endurance - the concept of “all day strong,” like a bricklayer, or farmhand, which of course means you have all-day energy and never get tired

3️. Develop power-endurance - the ability to produce high levels of power/work over a set period of time, or set periods of time

4️. Improve your health - they make you more glucose tolerant and insulin sensitive (fights off Type 2 Diabetes), and build a stronger, healthier, heart and cardiovascular system, so you fight off heart disease and live longer, in a younger body

5️. Reforge your physique - they burn fat, and build muscle, without pumping out multiple reps of multiple exercises for each bodypart or spending hours on a treadmill in the “fat-burning zone”

This is the REAL WORLD functionality of kettlebell training - where the rubber meets the road.

These types of training programs make you EVERYDAY STRONG.

This is the type of strength that you can use in real world, daily activities, as opposed to say, training for powerlifting exclusively.

Learn More on My YouTube Channel: (S'ouvre dans une nouvelle fenêtre)
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