Are you comfortable being uncomfortable? 🫶🏽
Dear Creatrix,
I found myself thinking about this a lot lately.
How much I enjoy being uncomfortable - because I know it always brings change and more possibilities.
Before I went to live with a different family, and go to a different school for six months in San Diego, when I was 17, I learned that a part of the experience was going to be being homesick, and that it passes. And so it was.
When I was 19, I had the privilege of experiencing this again, this time with the extra bonus of not knowing the language or anything about how to live in a Ukrainian village, without shops, electricity or any of the other things I had been used to until then.
I cried a lot in both of these situations, it was hard, but I never once thought about giving up. I was eager to learn more about this world and what existed apart from what I already knew - and sure enough, the homesickness did pass, and I made it through and got to experience the after - the joys and the wonder of experiencing myself in an entirely different setting.
It gave me the strength to know I can start anywhere, anytime, and all I needed for that was myself, my openness, my curiosity and my willingness to learn and live in different ways than what I was used to.
But to experience anything new, you have to be willing to be uncomfortable.
Today, with the internet, we don’t even have to travel so far to experience ourselves in different ways, we have the opportunity to learn and open up to new ideas, thoughts and experiencing ourselves, when we do the inner work, and get through trauma and overcome ideas and beliefs that don’t serve us any more.
And we can do this with the help of the internet, books, webinars, or through real life experiences - anything we need to grow is available at all times.
But our body likes for things to be and stay as they are. When we use muscles we haven’t used for a long time, or ever, they ache and so can our brain, when we open up to new ideas.
Often, when I release pain or sadness, I feel sick to my stomach, and everything in me is rebelling and telling me not to go there, yet I know, outside of our comfort zone is where the magic happens. And that is always true.
The world is ever-changing, and we can either complain about that or learn to enjoy being uncomfortable. Because it always takes us to more beauty and joy and awareness and - new possibilities.
So, how comfortable are you with being uncomfortable?
And what can you do to get used to being uncomfortable? To start seeing it as the beginning of something great and new?
If you’d like to practice being uncomfortable and to discover the joy in it, then join us in the CREATRIX School (Opens in a new window), where we think about how to build strong communities this month - and I promise you that some of the things we will be talking about in the next few weeks will make you uncomfortable - unless of course, you already find it easy to love and respect everyone, no matter how different they are - and how much they may hate you. (Opens in a new window)And then, as promised, I started doing daily readings with my Wheel of Colours Oracle Card Deck - which has been super fun.
You can watch today’s message here (click on image):

And then there was some art, a visit to the Buddhist Centre in Hamburg, good food, nature and cuddles with Tobby, meeting a nice old friend in the Botanical Garden, baking a cherry plum cake and lots of other nice things - and, of course, always some uncomfortable growth. 🍀

And here is what we did in the CREATRIX School (Opens in a new window) last week:

Welcome to a New Chapter in the CREATRIX School
Starting today, and for the next four weeks, we will think about how we can be at our best with others and how we can use our unique abilities, gifts and talents to contribute to the greater good of all.
As the first week of each chapter in the CREATRIX School is all about assessing where we are, so we can let go of what doesn’t serve us any more, and invite more of what we do want, we start this chapter by looking at our hopes for the future of our world as well as the experiences we’ve made in community so far.
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What do we mean when we say communities, and why do we need them?
There are different ways for communities to be organized. Sometimes, all people are equal and come together to organize things as equals.
Sometimes, there’s an initiator, or someone who finances the project and other people who organize and implement it.
Sometimes, there are some people who are paid and other people who volunteer.
What are the different kinds of projects or communities you have been involved in, or would like to get involved in, in your life?
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How do you envision our future?
It’s easy to think there are so many problems in this world – what am I supposed to do about it – I can’t do anything but make the best of it – and that’s true to some extent – but also not entirely.
Because we’re not just here to get by. We’re not just here to arrange ourselves with what is already here – we are life and a part of the great symphony of life that’s playing right now, in this moment, and we get to contribute to it.
read more (Opens in a new window)
I wish you a peaceful and love - filled Sunday evening or Monday morning.
And maybe, if you feel like it, try to go into any uncomfortable situation with an open heart and the joy of knowing, that you are making more and new things possible for yourself. <3