Tolkien's 'favourite tree' for #TolkienTrewsday no. 2
Thirty-two months ago I published my first ever 'Patreon' world exclusive on the Pinus Nigra at the Oxford Botanic Garden & Arboretum. Many things have happened since then and the saga still continues - so let us not be hasty, hrum, hoom!
When it comes to trees the Tolkien fandom is up top with the best. We are probably the only fandom where people start to swoon when you talk about the Two Trees (Opens in a new window) and some may even consider an instant marriage proposal if you are capable of flawlessly pronouncing Laurelin (Opens in a new window) and Telperion (Opens in a new window).
With Tolkien fans trees really are the bee's knees. - Marcel Aubron-Bülles
And no, this is not an exaggeration. It comes as no surprise that German artist Anke Eissmann shared her latest illustration today which will serve as the German Tolkien Society (Opens in a new window)'s event logo for their main annual membership event, the Tolkien Thing (Opens in a new window) (aka Tolkien Moot). (Opens in a new window)And trust me when I tell you - research has gone squirrel nuts on trees in the Legendarium and beyond. Just have a quick search with the Mythopoeic Society's (Opens in a new window) Mythlore (Opens in a new window), the Tolkien Society (Opens in a new window)'s Mallorn (Opens in a new window), or the Journal of Tolkien Research (Opens in a new window) - you won't be able to see the wood for the trees!
Having said all this, there is one particular tree - or was, to be more precise - which has played quite a part in imaginations of Tolkien. And no, not even Niggle's tree in the heartrending Leaf by Niggle (Opens in a new window) has had so many articles on the internet as "Tolkien's Tree." (Opens in a new window)

The last photograph of Tolkien beside his 'favourite tree', the Pinus Nigra, at Oxford Botanic Garden & Arboretum; August 9, 1973, taken by his eldest grandchild, Michael George Tolkien. (c) Tolkien Estate (Opens in a new window)
For the love of trees!
Much has changed since Tolkien fans in the 1960s were contemptuously named treehuggers. Not much of a surprise as the climate catastrophe (Opens in a new window) has made it abundantly clear that trees are rather essential to human survival.
So today we rightly celebrate trees in all their shapes and forms and it is no coincidence that Tolkien made trees talk and walk (Opens in a new window). I would dearly miss Fangorn if he had not been there and I am sure Merry and Pippin would say the same.

Luckily enough I still had the chance of placing my hand at about the same place as the Professor himself - once a nerd, always a nerd 🥰🌳🍃
Tolkien's favourite tree (Opens in a new window) in Oxford's Botanic Garden to be cut down []
Patreon World Exclusive (Opens in a new window): News on Tolkien's favourite tree, the Pinus Nigra [Steady]
The Return (Opens in a new window) of the Pinus Nigra [Steady]
Patreon World Exclusive II (Opens in a new window): The Return of the Pinus Nigra - ahem, in a way, you know? [Steady]
If you feel like reading more about the Pinus Nigra and other exciting news nobody else may have heard do consider becoming a part to my Steady Adventure 🥳