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What's got my attention this week

Want some ideas for things to read, watch and listen to this weekend and over the holiday season? Look no further...

Iman, 67, is British Vogue's January cover star

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• "I'm done with the seat at the table, let's just dismantle the whole table." Well said, Iman (Opens in a new window).
• Could your wardrobe survive on just five new things (Opens in a new window) next year?
• "Work tails off for women over 45, it's just a fact." Actor Hermione Norris (Opens in a new window) tells it like it is in The Times.
• And as if proof were needed, women over 50 face a £7k pay gap (Opens in a new window)...
• Ever wondered where all that cardboard comes from (Opens in a new window) – and where it goes?
• The Golden Globes nominations (Opens in a new window) are here – and female directors are back to square one.
• Incredibly candid piece by Jennifer Crichton on how she lost the last six months to premature perimeno symptoms (Opens in a new window).
• Why Girls Aloud (Opens in a new window) were the most inventive noughties pop act.

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Topic Friday round up