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Europeans' visions of our future: Ervin Laszlo

‘We always talk about democracy, but we don’t practice it’ . These words are both a warning and an invitation, writes Jeannet Weurman, New Europeans International.

Ervin Laszlo (Photo credit: SDG Thought Leaders' Circle)

The warning is stark. The many crises that are destabilizing our world will get worse and others will follow – viruses, aggressive political leaders, and the utter devastation of our ecology.

The invitation is magnificent. Crisis does not only bring danger, but also opportunity.  Our unstable world is at a critical point of change. Things can shift up or down; we can move to a better future or to an accelerated decline.

To read Jeannet's piece | Click here (Opens in a new window)

How do you think we can build a more peaceful and sustainable life on our planet? Ideas or projects can be on any level, local or global.

Ervin Laszlo (Opens in a new window) shares his thoughts in his new book, The Upshift: Peace and Evolution on Planet Earth, as well as some practical steps we can take right now.

For an e-copy of The Upshift  | Click here (Opens in a new window)

If you would like to write for New Europeans International about your vision for a better future, please contact us at

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