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Elina's Alchemy Weekly Newsletter

Hello my beautiful Alchemists! I am back after a looong break on here!

I hope you are doing well? Over here it has been very interesting.

I feel like the months since the last time I wrote you here (back in November!) have taken me on a journey to learn better boundaries while allowing myself to go out into the world and follow adventure to where it calls me to. Not gonna lie, it has been a process to balance it all but I have learned a lot in the meantime.

One thing I learned…

that life can take a whole year even to get us to learn something. I recently realised how something that started in February 2023 was actually a crash course on boundaries but it only had to be revealed by the end of this past month. I looked back in awe and thought to myself - we are actually so guided if only we become aware of it! Some lessons we only integrate after the whole journey has been completed and we look back and reflect at all we went through. This is where the lessons glimmer and shine and become obvious and this is also where we realise that also divine protection had been there all along, no matter the difficulties, there was always a way made. We made it to today, after all!

Cultivating my dialogue with Spirit, while traveling and creating music and doing one on one healing and continuing to create over at my YouTube channel - it helped consolidate for me how I enjoy this dichotomy of being a music artist AND an energy healer, walking a spiritual path no matter where I am at, whether I am at my sanctuary by the river or mingling with the world (well, I prefer my river tho, to be honest but I was shown that I can survive for a while without it, as well).

Still, I have wanted to return to a magical oasis of relaxation and connection with the Divine and what better way to do so within community.

Sooo… this month, I am opening the SACRED ALCHEMY premium membership on PATREON and I wanted to share this with you.


It is to be a close-knit community of like-minded Souls.

Join this magical sanctuary with me and enjoy a wide array of premium offerings. For the time being, this membership tier is reserved to only 10 participants to ensure a highly targeted and effective healing experience.

Upon entering members shall gain access to:

  • WEEKLY ALCHEMY Sessions: Every week, I post collective energy check-in reflections using the tarot, astrology, numerology and my intuitive channeling skills to help us navigate the exoteric via esoteric cosmology that is relevant to the current time and specifically the week ahead. Using pendulum dowsing, I dive into the energy blockages/challenges that the collective (you included) is facing this week and then we proceed to do energy clearing and shielding work. This serves in lightening the load for the greater collective AND primarily supporting YOU in being protected from these collective challenging energies as you go about navigating the world out there.

    The WEEKLY ALCHEMY sessions are weekly video forecasts and channeled messages that often touch upon topics that are often not openly welcome on YouTube. These lectures are ad-free and invite you in on my sacred sanctuary library so grab a cup of tea and a notebook and join in. Within this membership, you can also comment to request future topics that you would like me to speak about or collective themes to look into in the future.

  • MONTHLY LIGHT LANGUAGE TRANSMISSION, an Archangel channeling or/and sound healing ceremony. Each month, I sit by the river to receive and share a light language transmission that you are to be using for the next 21 days to help shift specific blockages or help integrate new light-body code activations. Light language works on a DNA level and unlocks dormant abilities so do not be surprised if you find your OWN light language coming online as a result of these monthly transmissions. The transmissions are offered in video and downloadable mp3 format. This way you can have the file in your phone and use it daily for 21 days.

    Each month, I sit with the Archangelics to download divinely inspired wisdom that goes into a monthly intuitively channeled stream of information designed to lead us to an alpha brainwave state for guidance, healing and relaxation. Often these Archangel sessions open with a sound healing and/or guided meditation segment to help support our different energy centers as instructed by the Archangels each time.

    THIS MONTH, an incredible transmission to help us unlock personal power and remove slavery consciousness came through. I uploaded it already here. (Opens in a new window) (Opens in a new window)

  • Further guidance from the Archangels on topics related to the Soul's journey on Earth can also be requested by you in the comments' section within the SACRED ALCHEMY membership - I will be collecting all these questions and answering them in exclusive Q&A sessions.

  • With this membership, you get my book 'The Alchemy Of Angelic Invocation' for free as a PDF.

  • With this membership, you also get a 10% discount on the TAROT SCHOOL tier (not yet online).

Whew! That’s been a lot of news, ey?

BUT WAIT! I have some more!

THIS THURSDAY, join me on YOUTUBE for a SACRED ALCHEMY session - it will be the first session and I do it openly on YOUTUBE but the next ones will only be running within the premium community.

Looking forward to seeing you there!

In other news, THIS WEEK’s energy check-in and astrology is up on the YouTube channel: (Opens in a new window)

And the most recent educational video (this one is on crystals!)! (Opens in a new window)

I send you all my love and much light to shine on your path!


Your Elina