Weaving magic into our lives

He asked her: “Do you ever dream of discovering you possess magical powers? That you actually belong to another world?”
“Yes”, she replied immediately, “but I decided, until that happens, I’m creating my own magical world. Right here, right now.”
“But how?” He asked, with a smile on his lips and a spark of curiosity in his eyes, ready to dive into her world.
And she began to paint a map for him:
“I imagine how life would feel like in this magical world.
Where trees and animals speak, sharing their wisdom with us.
Where love is visible, colours connecting our hearts.
Where we dance, sing and share stories around the fire.
And then, my hands begin to dance, weaving magic into my life, this life, through love and play, adventure and rest, curiosity and openness, honesty and not being afraid of shadow or light.
My heart begins to smile, infusing every cell of my body with joy and gratitude.
I become aware of the magic that we all are.
I can feel a truth unfolding, I’m already living in a world full of magic.
Are you?
I find myself greeting the trees, talking to animals, feeling their spirit.
I find myself thanking the earth, the water, for guiding me back home.
I see fairies, dragons and spirits, in the clouds and forest.
I feel my heart connecting with everything around me, remembering we’re the same.
Different but the same.”
She closes her eyes, a little surprised by her own words. And it’s like she just remembered a powerful, life changing truth. Nothing shiny and new, but a returning home, to nature, simplicity, to her Self.
She begins to realise how she’s been standing in her own way by trying to control, doing it right, better, faster.
She suddenly sees how her whole life, she’s been trying to live in alignment with her heart, but somehow still feeling separated from its full experience by a misty, mysterious wall. Like in those dreams where you try to walk towards something, even begin to run, and you’re not moving any further, no matter how hard you try, when the ground begins to become liquid and gluey, taking you even further away from your desired destination.
How could she ever reach and live something she didn’t truly believe in? But in this moment, her heart being so at ease, her body being held by the earth, her mind so full of gratitude and awe, her soul remembers.
She remembers all the ways she used to play, sing, dance, run, dream and make up stories. How she lost track of time building houses in the woods, imagining her life between the trees.
She remembers everything she ever wanted, a life in nature, with animals and friends.
How could she forget?
How could she not? When trying to feel others’ needs and wants has covered her ability to feel her own desires and dreams? When her heart got broken so early in life, letting her believe she was too much and not good enough? Sowing the seeds of pleasing, dependency and abandoning herself.
But now, she listens to herself, a voice she’s been doubting for too long.
She trusted this deep inner knowing that there was more to life than what she’d experienced and known. Walking to the edge of the known brought her back to feeling alive, inviting new experiences that would broaden her perspective, deepen her understanding of being human.
It brought back the magic.
- from a book that hasn’t been written yet.
You see, we all come into this world with a natural sense for the mystery of life, for magic. And yet, as humans, we created systems that valued something else over intuition, childlike joy, nature as our teacher, medicine wo:men and love.
But we are allowed to question those values, the foundation we build our lives on.
I believe it is necessary to question our values. For our own good, and the world. We have to be rebels.
And most often, this begins with rediscovering our curiosity for life, exploring our passions, becoming aware of what brings us joy, what we need, what we’re naturally good at.
We get to ask all the questions we were too afraid to ask, out of fear to be judged, to be perceived as stupid, childish, even obscene.
We probably have to learn how to rest and set boundaries without feeling guilty all the time.
We might need to learn how to communicate with kindness - with ourselves.
And very likely, we have to remember that we are all made of the same, stardust.
How magical is that?
And, we have to face our fears, our shadows, so we can come out feeling liberated and free.
Alive and on purpose.
I don’t think we have to force any of the above if we reconnect with nature, its seasons and cycles. If we reconnect with our body and heart. If we learn how to let the mind follow our heart.
We will naturally want to move into the direction of our heart’s longing. Because reconnecting with nature means slowing down, observing, listening — which will eventually create space.
Space shows us what’s alive within us, especially what’s taking up space in our mind.
Awareness allows us to reflect and question.
What’s serving us?
What belongs to the past?
What are the habitual (thought) patterns?
What am I tired of repeating over and over again?
What do I want?
I think you are aware of the interconnectedness of your actions, thoughts, experiences and emotions. But without space there’s no chance we actually get to use it for our own good, for a more intentional and authentic life.
In Scorpio season, we’re asked to let our awareness of what’s not in balance to be transformed into new, more aligned ways of being, to trust and surrender to life’s current and experience our life force energy.
And no other sign is more interested in this experience and process than Scorpio. S:he’s not afraid of both shadow and light, as the main goal is to just feel the full spectrum of emotions, without judgement.
So we can free ourselves from all the ways we suppressed and denied parts of our human experience, from trying to be in control because controlling our emotions might have been a way to feel safe in systems or even relationships where passion, enthusiasm, sadness or joy was seen as too much or not appropriate.
I can see a world, communities, where emotions, dreams, gifts and longing are no longer being kept away, buried or doubted but rather encouraged and nourished, intentionally, with compassion and the willingness to understand, to really see the other person, to meet as equals.
I can feel it in every conversation and new connection. We just need to trust a little more, continue to open our hearts and take each others hands. We have to take responsibility for what we want to feel, see, learn, live, be. And we don’t have to figure it all out on our own. Actually we don’t have to figure it out at all.
Loosening the grip around what we thought we are capable of, what we can achieve, do, create, be and instead leaning into what brings us joy, into curiosity, passion and ways that help us melt away the limiting stories we accumulated and started to believe in, is the path I choose over and over again. Because our heart and soul knows. It’s all the noise, business, expectations, stories and opinions that cloud our view. And by view I’m not necessarily referring to the external world, but to our inner vision and ability to feel our truth, dreams, values — and to intuitively respond to life. All the magic that informs our next step if we allow enough space for it.
So let’s invite some space and magic into our lives, so we remember that life gifts us with a full spectrum of experiences, not only black or white, right or wrong. It’s through new experiences, especially the one’s that take us to our edge, where we get to meet new parts of ourselves that we couldn’t imagine before.
Scorpio reminds us that we need an experience in order to feel our passion - or no passion. Regardless of the outcome, we learn something about ourselves. We can learn and study and reflect as much as we want (and I do love learning and self reflection), but it’s only through experience and in relationships where true knowing and embodiment can unfold. This is where our energy touches another soul, where we feel our humaneness and life flowing through us. Isn’t that what we’re here for?
To be in the body, in the experience, in community, in connection.
I can get a little lost in reflection and fantasy land, I even used to hide there, because reality was too different from what I imagined for myself and the world. It became too painful at times to return to reality, until the pain got too intense and I was ready to admit that something needed to change.
So my dreams and reality could meet and become a lived experience, for myself and the world.
This is not a selfish quest. I know this now.
And I hope you believe that your dreams and longing is worth the time and space to be drawn into reality. To be explored and felt. It all starts with feeling, right? If you can feel it, it’s already a part of you. This has been my guiding light, for many years.
So, as a Scorpio rising, I hope I can be the person who reminds you that your bigness, intensity, joy, sadness, enthusiasm, passion, all of it, is so welcome here. So is your shadow, your worries and fears.
The times are ending where we needed to hide a part of us in order to be seen as good, professional or trustworthy. I honour authenticity and I know, you do, too.
If there’s one thing I want (you) to hold onto, it’s authenticity and self-compassion. Wearing it as a second skin, making it our filter through which we see the world.
Let’s be more honest, vulnerable and curious. This won’t fail you, I truly believe that our magic comes to life when we lean into what we (want to) believe in, what we desire and long for, letting go of the outcome.
Are you joining this magical ride?
Here’s a conversation about feeling safe, at home, and liberated in the body. Because this is where the magic begins!

As always, share your love, thoughts and questions.
Much love ❤