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Join me in my sanctuary for stories, practices and tools to remember your humaneness and say to your life.

A blog for remembering yourself home & new ways of living. Stories that help you align with your soul & begin to tell your own tale.
von Teresa

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Bisher unterstützen 3 Mitglieder Waves of life with Teresa

Hey there! I'm so excited you entered this space!

It's a space to slow down, reflect and remember your gifts and truth

For a more aligned and authentic life unfolding from within.

Only by slowing down can we listen deeply and discover our own rhythm.

I believe slowing down doesn't equal less joy, passion or contentment, quite the opposite.

Notice how your life becomes more dense with experiences as soon as you let your heart speak.

Let's discover and untangle the stories we tell ourselves about how life and work should and could be and meet ourselves where we actually are - with more honesty and compassion. 

Let's create awareness, the foundation for change, through different perspectives and stories - mostly through the lens of yoga, astrology and life experiences.

Becoming a member means committing to live your own life (and to honour the time I passionately devote to writing).

As someone who prioritised other's projects, dreams and needs for most of her life, I know how powerful sweet & spicy reminders to follow your own heart, to pour love into your own cup, to believe and trust in yourself can be.

I'll be sharing...

Personal stories

A combination of sharing vulnerably - as a reminder that we are all on a journey of remembering our true belonging, feeling at home within ourselves and following our heart - and turning experiences into learning opportunities. These writings hold the power to touch your heart, to crack it wide open and to reflect deeply on what your heart is longing for.

With these stories, I’m melting down the layers of judgement, self-criticism and embracing vulnerability, radical honesty and authenticity. It’s a beautiful proof that we’re all human. That we are capable of being mentors, coaches, space holders, change makers, soulpreneurs because we allow life to unfold. Life means challenges, triggers, growth, phases of darkness and light.

Live differently.

in alignment with your soul and nature

a blog (and maybe soonish a podcast) for visionaries, change makers, activists, soulpreneurs, dreamers and rebels

I’m weaving together stories and reflections of my own journey, experiences and processes before and within community, exploring new ways of living and relating and living my dharma.

As a reminder to follow and express your truth, to let life flow through you, to trust your intuition, to dream big, to take that next step.

Inspired by a ton of Aquarius energy; the longing to be free; to break down structures that are not serving our true nature; a vision that includes you.


My vision is a place that brings out the best in us, that supports your unfolding

A community of people dedicated to live a more vibrant and meaningful life. In alignment and harmony with nature and all beings. A sanctuary and platform for all the change makers, visionaries, activists, rebels and dreamers - to (un)learn, grow and heal together. This place is alive wherever I am, wherever we meet. Here online, in every retreat, workshop, ceremony and coaching container.

I believe that community grows slowly. I am not here to rush to the top of a mountain. I am here to experience life fully, enjoy the view, breathe deeply and notice the beauty all around me. To feel alive, connected, inspired, passionate, loved, rested and nourished.

I want that everything I offer to others is a lived experience and practice in my own life. I want to serve from an authentic, embodied place.

And if this resonates with you, I believe that these writings will remind you of your own magic, the power that lies in your heart’s longing and the importance of letting your heart lead the way - whenever there’s doubt creeping in, whenever this little voice takes over and keeps you stuck in a loop.

We live in a world that is focused on growth, the future, giving, creating and mostly influenced by values and systems we never consciously chose.

Let’s invite more ritual, listening, reflection and space into our world. To live, serve and create from within, aligned with our own truth.

A little bit about me (I need to update my website ;))

Following my heart led me to exploring yoga’s wisdom, astrology as a self-discovery tool & as a way to reconnect with the rhythms and cycles of (our) nature. My intention is to understand myself and others more holistically.

My strength lies in radiating compassion and enthusiasm, supporting you in loving yourself more deeply, believing in yourself and taking aligned action (I’m a Manifestor, so initiating and falling in love with new beginnings is part of my nature;))

My work is deeply rooted in my own experiences, a devoted practice and willingness to (un)learn more about myself each day.

Overthinking, living in future scenarios and potentials, pleasing others and feeling not enough and too much at the same time caused not only immense physical tension, inflammation and self doubt, but a strong motivation to question my beliefs and life choices.

My journey led me to exploring new ways of living and inviting new connections, systems and practices, living my truth more and more each day.

Openness, curiosity and presence inform and guide me in each moment, both in my personal life and while holding space.

What I write and offer is an extension of my own life unfolding from within. I want to be so deeply connected with my truth, nature and the universe that I can allow life to flow through me, to feel and trust my impulses, as they’re alive within me for a reason. 

Dreaming big

As this project grows, my dreams begin to expand, too. I envision monthly workshops, community gatherings and a book club (mostly online until we want to meet!). 

What about your dreams? They might be similar or totally different, doesn't matter, I am SO curious! Let's connect and cheer on and support each other.

Find me on Instagram (Öffnet in neuem Fenster).

Much love,
