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whlw goes VIP

Hey there,

It's Sham from 'what happened last week.' On September 14, I kicked this newsletter off in 2014 and here we are, nearly a decade later. Whether you've been reading from the get-go or just recently tuned in, I’m glad you're here.

This newsletter has been my platform to highlight stories from Asia, Africa, and the Americas—places that often miss the limelight in many Western news outlets. Today, nine years later, we’re still far, far away from news coverage equality.

Many smart people have talked about the impact of colonialism, imperialism, sexism, capitalism, ableism and racism that affect which stories we tell and how, who we quote and when, where we pay attention to and why; my TED talk was about the many different ways we all can change this dynamic (Öffnet in neuem Fenster). At its core, this is a collective effort, and I am convinced that we need structural changes that are sustainable.

I hate ads, clickbait and sensationalism. So, to become sustainable without these ‘tools’, after almost a decade, I’ve decided to roll out a paid VIP Membership, starting October 16.

What's changing?
From October 16, the all-inclusive newsletter – three highlights that go in-depth, an extended global overview, hand-picked recommendations on what to watch, read and listen to, viral videos of the week, and the funny note – will be available at 8€/mo or 72€/yr. But, as a 'thank you' to early supporters, if you jump in as a VIP before October 16, you'll lock it in at 5€/mo or 49€/yr. 

I don’t want to become a VIP Member, Sham
No worries! You’ll still get a lite version from me for free every week. It will just be significantly shorter.

If you decide to back this, you’re essentially supporting more than just a newsletter. You're funding someone who’s (hopefully) shown you their continued dedication and intent to contribute to a more inclusive journalism.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you for being with me on this journey. Your support means the world! And I genuinely hope you come along to be a VIP Member.

Become a VIP Member here (Öffnet in neuem Fenster)


P.S: You'll get the potato reference when you subscribe.

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