We're always working to improve Steady so you have all the tools you need to make the most of memberships and build a sustainable future for your work. We're invested in your journey because it's our journey, too. To make sure you know where Steady is headed, we'll keep you up-to-date here with new features, developments at Steady and other news that's important for you as a Steady publisher.
Steady Magazine
Articles on the world of publishing and memberships can be found in the Steady Magazine (Öffnet in neuem Fenster). There, members of the Steady team, as well as other media makers, share their experiences. In the Success Stories series, Steady publishers discuss their work and offer valuable insights on building a winning membership programme.
Take a look around and if you have any questions, to send us a message, leave us a comment or drop us an email: support@steadyhq.com. Please also feel free to get in touch with us if you would like to see a particular feature or have suggestions for changes. There's a whole team of people here at Steady ready to help you and your project succeed 👋