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Stéphane Lambiel: "I love my work"

The Pirouette Team met two-time World Champion Stéphane Lambiel shortly before the premiere of his own ice show "The Sorcerer's Apprentice" in his adoptive home town of Champéry.

When did you have the idea of organizing your own show in Champéry?

Stéphane: Two years ago, I gave a lecture at the "Rencontres Musicales" festival.  The organizers had asked me to talk about Vivaldi's Four Seasons, and after this lecture, one of the founders of the festival was very interested in a more extensive and larger collaboration.

We sat down together and thought about what would be possible. We thought that last summer would have been a good opportunity, but there was not enough time. Then we thought that the 25th anniversary of the festival, which is also the 10th anniversary of our skating school, was the perfect opportunity. I had also wanted to work with the pianist, Beatrice Berrut for a long time. I have known her since high school and she is a close friend of mine. So everything finally fell into place.

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