Why Support Us
I Am New Generation Magazine (Öffnet in neuem Fenster) was created in 2015 as an independent publisher, with the sole mission of celebrating and inspiring youth entrepreneurship globally.
#IAMNEWGENMAG has both a nationwide and global reach and it was created as a response to the wave of young people seeking entrepreneurship as an alternative career route during the 2008 UK financial crisis.
I Am New Generation Magazine regularly explores Human focus stories, which are world issues that challenge a new way of thinking or living. This is done through themes such as - youth entrepreneurship, startups, small businesses,career, health and well-being, mental health, sustainability, climate change, youth leadership, education, ethnic diversity, social media, female empowerment, social enterprise, racial issues, innovations etc.
Our readers are global because we believe there is more power in racial diversity and inspiring others with the stories of those who are stepping out of their comfort zone to take the non-conventional route in driving change, therefore everyone is actively making a difference together as one voice.
This is the reason why #iamnewgenmag (Öffnet in neuem Fenster) is a new form of news media that is for the people and by the people - as we are led by your inspiring, creative business stories.
Image Copyright - I Am New Generation Magazine (Öffnet in neuem Fenster)
Your Contribution To Us
Your contribution to us will enable us to continue to not operate a paywall and assist our small team, made up of freelance journalists, to find and tell editorially-balanced features (Öffnet in neuem Fenster) on those young people who are making an impact in the world that we all live in.
Please note that your contribution to I Am New Generation Magazine does not constitute a charitable donation, therefore your contribution to us is not eligible for Gift Aid in the UK or free of tax anywhere. Also, please only contribute to us if you are 18+. Any or all made financial contributions/donations to I Am New Generation Magazine confirms that you are 18+, confirms that you have read our privacy policy (Öffnet in neuem Fenster), and it is also subject to our Terms and Conditions (Öffnet in neuem Fenster).
Cancellation Notice
We appreciate your investment and understand that supporting us is a big decision, which is why we want you to consider your contributions before donating to us.
When you buy and cancel your regular contribution, please note that I Am New Generation Magazine pays for the bank charges linked to this and these costs are quite high, therefore please only contribute if you are able to do so!