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Creative content for creative people.

Your source for free video stock footage, effects & more.
von Free Stock Footage Archive

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Bisher unterstützen 50 Mitglieder Free Stock Footage Archive

Your support makes it possible to produce more free videos – for everyone.

Hey, my name is Magnus and I'm a designer and video producer from Germany. Years ago I started to publish free stock footage that has since been used in hundreds of videos. It's a lot of fun for me, but it also costs time and money. If you support this project you will get some benefits and I can produce more videos and try different new things. In addition, you support the hundreds of filmmakers and other creators around the world who use this footage.

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Your benefits as a supporter.

Upgraded license for videos. (information (Öffnet in neuem Fenster))

Access to premium videos. 

Access to project files / templates. 

Unlimited downloads. 

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