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What's got my attention this week

Want some ideas for things to read, watch and listen to this weekend? Look no further...

Madonna announced a 40th anniversary tour and the usual suspects came for her. Same old.

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• The Daily Mail (Opens in a new window) got in first, naturally, bemoaning Madge's inability to know her place and go quietly into the wilderness. While Piers Morgan (trolling for England as usual) reckons she should "just go and put on a lot of clothing and sit in a rocking chair" (Opens in a new window). Strange how, every time the Rolling Stones announce a new tour, nobody says that to Mick Jagger...
• On the subject of double-standards, Monica Lewinsky (Opens in a new window) on 25 years since she became public property.
Jacinda Ardern resigned (Opens in a new window) as Prime Minister of New Zealand, saying she "no longer had enough in the tank" to do the job.
• On that subject, this piece by Emma Gannon on knowing when to quit (Opens in a new window) absolutely nails it.
Grey hair jokes (Opens in a new window) don't count as ageism, even if they're symptomatic of a sexist, ageist office culture. Apparently.
When did fitness become a luxury (Opens in a new window)?
• Why we all need a little everyday awe (Opens in a new window).

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Topic Friday round up