In dieser Ausgabe von THEFUTURE: Drei Ideen für die Feiertage und das große Best-of der Rubrik »Internet Explorer«.
Du liest den meist wöchentlichen Newsletter mit den besten und interessantesten Links über das wilde Internet und die Zukunft der Medien. Schön, dass Du dabei bist!
Drei Ideen für die Feiertage
Eintauchen in die virtuelle Kunstausstellung OpenSecret (Opens in a new window), »a six-month long program that explores images of the technological hidden in our apparently ‘open’ society.«
Endlich Devs (Opens in a new window), Raised by Wolves (Opens in a new window) und The Leftovers (Opens in a new window) bingen.
Sich in Bücher flüchten, ich mochte sehr »Something New Under the Sun (Opens in a new window)« von Alexandra Kleeman, »No One Is Talking About This (Opens in a new window)« von Patricia Lockwood und »The Old Drift (Opens in a new window)« von Namwali Serpell.
Best of Internet Explorer
Open Source Recipes (Opens in a new window) To Be Used in Quarantine During a Global Pandemic
How Many Plants (Opens in a new window): Indoor and House Plants Resource
⭐️ Bread for The Busy (Opens in a new window): Making bread with consideration of our often hectic schedules.
Movie of the Night (Opens in a new window) is a movie/series recommendation engine.
See a satellite tonight (Opens in a new window): No telescope required. Click to search for viewing times at your location.
Find owls near me! (Opens in a new window) Find owls that have been observed near you.
Real Life (Opens in a new window) is a magazine about living with technology. The emphasis is more on living.
Godly (Opens in a new window): Astronomically good web design inspiration every single day.
Books Read By (Opens in a new window): What are the world’s most interesting people reading?
Gossip’s Web (Opens in a new window): The directory of handmade webpages
⭐️ Sounds of the Forest (Opens in a new window): Creating a growing soundmap bringing together aural tones and textures from the world’s woodlands.
Sounds of Earth (Opens in a new window): A collection of ambient sounds of nature.
Cloud Index (Opens in a new window) ist ein wachsendes Online-Archiv, das Wolkenbilder von Orten fossiler Verbrennung sammelt und präsentiert.
ThanAverage (Opens in a new window) is a small unscientific investigation into how we value and compare ourselves to each other.
The Hive Index (Opens in a new window): The internet is full of beautiful communities.
Weird Spy Satellite Imagery (Opens in a new window). A speculative surveillance bot.
Travel Remotely (Opens in a new window): Walking around, taking in sights, and listening to music.
Needledrop (Opens in a new window): Ein Plattenspieler für YouTube-Musik.
Homesick Sounds (Opens in a new window): Play any combination of these sounds to bring the comfort, and discomfort, of working from home. (Opens in a new window): Lofi music streams for studying, working and relaxing.
Harmony of the Spheres (Opens in a new window) is a digital musical instrument which revisits the age.old relationship between music and the cosmos.
Weird (Opens in a new window): Enter a sentence. Get a playlist.
⭐️ Server Room Noise Generator (Opens in a new window): Close your eyes. You are surrounded by the electronic brains of the modern world.
—Office & Tools
JazzKeys (Opens in a new window): Sculpt our messages using music.
⭐️ Zoom Escaper (Opens in a new window) allows you to self-sabotage your audio stream, making your presence unbearable to others.
Busy Simulator (Opens in a new window): Feign importance with repeating app sounds!
Dither Me This (Opens in a new window): Use this tool to reduce the file size of an image… but in a stylish old-school way.
Make WordArt (Opens in a new window): Online word art generator.
Sophisticated Company Name Generator (Opens in a new window): Use random English town names to generate your ideal company name.
URL Lengthener (Opens in a new window): Are you tired of your URLs being just too darn short? Worry no further.
ShadyURL (Opens in a new window): Don't just shorten your URL, make it suspicious and frightening.
Bored Humans (Opens in a new window): 50 fun artificial intelligence (AI) pages you can use for free.
Bis nächstes Jahr!
Das war Ausgabe #87 von THEFUTURE (Opens in a new window), dem Newsletter über das wilde Internet und die Zukunft der Medien von Ole Reißmann (Opens in a new window).