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Reveal of the next Tarot Card Design Stray Deer

Stray Deer Spirit on Displate (Abre numa nova janela)

Here is the finished piece from last reel the Stray Deer Spirit tarot card design.

I absolutely love geometrics, gold and silver ornaments. Most structures are painted with watercolor brushes which brings a lot of nice texture and randomness to the surfaces.

Hier ist das fertige Bild vom letzten Reel der streunende Hirsch Geist als Tarot Karten Design.

Ich liebe geometrische Formen, Gold und Silber Ornamente. Die meisten Sachen sind mit Aquarell Pinselspitzen gemalt worden, was eine Menge Textur und ungleichmäßige Strukturen gibt.


Full pictures on: (Abre numa nova janela) (Abre numa nova janela)

Making of's as Timelapsevideo on Youtube Link in Bio

Metalprints on (Abre numa nova janela)

Merch Prints on (Abre numa nova janela)

Link in Bio

#illustration #deer #moon #fullmoon #silver #gold #red #ornaments #tarot #cardart #tarotcard #cardillustration #dark #fanatasy #mystical #magic #watercolorbrushes #zilphyart #geometric #roots #leaves #purple #spirit #darkworld #illustrationart #digitalart

Tópico Digital Art Bilder

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