A new chapter (or era?)

So, here we are. The first (new) words on a new platform.
Where is this leading me?
We can’t answer this kind of question with 100% certainty, not really. We can’t possibly know where this one decision is taking us. But what we can do is tune into our inner knowing and feel if we are in the right space, right here, right now.
For me, today, it’s about writing, what is it for you?
Did you ever ask yourself if you’re in the right place? If you are ready for this?
While we can’t know where life will take us, I believe we do know if we’re in the right place or not — if we trust our inner knowing.
For example, I know, deep within, that writing is an essential part of my journey, and still, it took me quite some time to trust this inner knowing.
To keep this first text a (little) bit shorter (because there are a few writings in the line that I’m going to share with you in the next weeks and still a lot to organise and edit), let’s keep it practical:
What’s something you can’t stop thinking about?
You might not be able to explain it (yet), but there’s a feeling of excitement — and probably doubts and fears - whenever it pops up in your mind. Do you catch yourself trying to find reasons for why you’re not ready or good enough?
I know this place, these stories, so well. While none of us would probably immediately admit or even notice that we are attached to these stories for a reason, let me picture what I’ve realized:
These limiting stories we create or believe keep us from taking risks, taking a step into the unknown.
But they might also feel like coming home, returning to or staying in a comfortable and safe place — and yet, you began to realize that this place is not serving you, your heart longs for more light, freedom, nature and aliveness.
It might feel like a relationship where none of you is „fully in“ anymore, but the familiar bond and connection keeps you in there, a place to rest, to lean on someone, to feel loved — and safe.
So, next time a story around why you’re not yet ready comes up, I invite you to question it.
To sit with the underlying emotion that emerges. When we take the time to look at what wants to be seen, maybe it is the part of you that is afraid.
Love that part of you, don’t push it away.
Whenever we push an uncomfortable emotion away, we also reject a part of us that might need some attention, compassion - and a reality check! If you try to avoid listening, these emotions and thoughts will find a way to express themselves - could be tension, restlessness, an underlying feeling of discontentment, like something’s lurking in the background, spreading discomfort.
I think this is a state, compared to facing these emotions right away, that slowly drains our energy, drive, passion and trust. Because we know that there’s something we long for and we’re not making space for it.
And often, it begins with facing what we are afraid of — only to realize that we are actually capable of holding ourselves in the uncomfortable in-between, in the void, the unknown.
That we’ve grown into a version that can deal with what our younger self was too afraid of. And this younger part is still alive within us. We can meet this part with compassion. We can change our inner dialogue. We can change.
These inner obstacles can be a stepping stone. A moment in time we’ll look back months or years later with immense gratitude — because we changed the way we faced our inner stories and emotions.
If you find yourself in a situation that needs more compassion, honesty and a little support, ask yourself, how this looks like for you, energetically.
I made it a ritual to ask myself if I’m in the “right” energy for whatever I’m up to. Not to manipulate myself into being a productive robot, but to finally embody trust and courage and love and passion.
For me, it’s dancing, meditation, movement, nature, smudging, breathing in a specific way and sometimes sleep.
Our lives are so busy, no wonder it often feels like we can’t access our compassionate heart, focusing mostly on giving, working, getting things done.
It does matter how you feel. How you feel about yourself, the situation or the next thing. Your emotions are signposts to a deeper truth.
And at the same time, we also tend to create stories around our emotions that aren’t helpful. We judge, criticise and try to think differently, from a mind that is mostly overstimulated and trying to solve things. Only writing about this creates a little tension in my neck.
It matters how we feel because everything is energy. And energy can be shifted. I refuse to push myself more, when I feel drained. I refuse to do it anyways if I really don’t feel it. I rather create a space to investigate, what’s actually going on. And why? Because everything and everyone will be touched by our energy. It does make a difference how we move through this world. We deserve to feel aligned, rested and joyful.
Let’s invite more space, ritual and alignment into our lives.
I’ve been on this path for quite a while and I’d love to invite you to this journey. It’s much more fun together.
What are you ready for?
Hopefully your heart speaks a bit louder by now.
A last note (my heart just loves leaning into devotion): In these moments, when we face obstacles or find ourselves right before a new beginning, I love to call in the qualities of Ganesha. An Indian god we can chant to, to remember his qualities within ourselves, whenever we need this extra scoop of compassion, grace, wisdom and soft discipline.
And I love how my lovely teacher Jenny Ní Ruiséil said “by inviting Ganesh in, we must meet him halfway and play our own part in the creation of the life we wish to live. He lays the foundation for all of creation to occur, and so using this awareness, think big, think long-term, and don't hold back on expressing the full force of your desires - the strength, stability and durability of Ganesh can hold it.”
Align with the full moon in Capricorn (2nd one!) and trust your roots, ask yourself what wants to grow or fall away — a post is coming ;)
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This is a space and sanctuary for connection and community. For becoming more intimate with your own heart and truth.
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I hope these words remind you that you are right on time.
The next posts will mostly have a paywall.

Thank you for being here. It’s such a joy to be, learn, grow and live alongside you! Looking forward to send more love, stories and experiences your way and hopefully see you in a future online community call!
Much love,
Teresa ❤