Leo Season - Courage comes from love
This piece of writing is for you, if phrases like “you have a unique gift and not sharing it with the world would be selfish” cause you to roll your eyes or doubt yourself, if the word “purpose” and “dharma” do resonate but also cause discomfort or a sense of annoyance — because our world, social media and marketing “experts” use these words in ways it makes me not only want to roll my eyes but offer something different. I’ll tell you why in a few moments.
Today, I got quite a lot to share. This post is meant as a companion and guide throughout Leo Season, packed with inspiration, resources, practices and rituals to (re)connect with your heart, remember what once brought you joy and shift from survival mode into thriving.
In this very moment, I remember how much I enjoyed doing research for presentations, once I was deeply in the process, amazed by what I found, feeling the deep urge and need to share it with the world — and today, I‘m finally experiencing the joy of combining experiences, reading and writing, because of the process of remembering.
I chose to let go of what I can and cannot do or be, and so can you.
LEO SEASON - Courage comes from love
A season to begin to let your heart lead the way. To invite joy, play and authenticity. To shine your light into the world.

To ask yourself what you would do if “real life” or responsibilities weren’t in the way — and how you’re possibly sacrificing yourself, your dreams, by putting others first, their needs, happiness and dreams.
It might be easier, more comfortable and safe, to stay in this pattern. But what would change if you decided to boost your self-belief, started listening to your heart and take responsibility for your own life? If you took back your power and leadership over your life. Which is not selfish.
The highest expression of Leo reminds us of our capacity to lead from the heart, from our inner wisdom, to serve humanity by sharing our gifts and message.
I can’t tell you how often I’ve heard people say “you have a unique gift and not sharing it with the world would be selfish” or “what’s your unique message”? This created a lot of pressure within me. I wanted to believe it in the beginning, I knew I wanted to serve and contribute, share all these beautiful, powerful teachings, right away.
And later I understood that we are allowed to first lean into what brings us joy, peace, to experiment, to start sharing little by little, take one step at a time, to practice, like really practice, not only a few times. If you feel inspired by an experience, a practice, I know it can create almost a pressure, an immediate reaction of “I need to share this” or “the world needs to hear, read this”. I believe there’s a difference between our inner knowing of this wants to come through me and I need to share everything that helps or inspires me. So I’d invite you to just reflect for a moment and ask yourself, from which place this impulse is coming from (and it’s for sure a spectrum and not black and white): is it coming from a felt, embodied experience, or the belief that you have to give (more)?
Learning and reading don’t equal felt experience and devotion. There has to be both to walk courageously into new terrain. Growth happens when we integrate, process, learn from experiences, take time to reflect, re-align, allow ourselves to dream, take action, experiment, rest, and repeat the cycle.
Leo Season is about expressing yourself freely, to be your authentic self, to serve humanity — that doesn’t mean you have to lean into giving all the time. Leo reminds us to gather our energy, to rest, tune into the heart, to feel courage rising in relation to how much we love ourselves and life (there’s definitely a blogpost in the process on falling madly in love with yourself and your life).
And if you have BIG dreams, great! For me, these big dreams and visions overwhelmed me at times, I felt like I could never make it happen. I found myself stuck in dream land.
Far away, far too often. I’ve been escaping the present moment instead of taking aligned action for quite a while. And while I believe that it’s human and a part of the process, I hope you (and me) take a little step this season, whenever we feel an impulse.
If you’re asking yourself (or me), how you can feel these impulses, I’d recommend slowing down, to be, to listen, to journal, to rest, as often as you can. It doesn’t need to be an hour, start with a few minutes.
I’ll share a ritual and an exercise at the end that will help you tune into how thriving and joy (could) feel:s like for you and to draw this frequency more into your life.
Before we dive more into the energy of Leo and ways to align with it, I want to take the time to notice and appreciate where you’re coming from, because each zodiac sign and season is part of an evolutionary process.
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