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There she is again

Turning towards the sun.

Turning towards her own inner light, fire, heart.

Her inner wisdom, teacher, guru.

She‘s always been there.

As close as she could be.

Emerging, rising, breathing more freely with

every action of

allowing, opening, breaking free.

Liberating herself from chains, beliefs, stories, old patterns.

She's free. Vulnerable and wild in her nature. Ready to thrive, to grow.

To own her power.

Radically, rebelliously, fully.

To love unconditionally.


She is me.

She is you.

found on Pinterest @EvaBlack

You can also find me on Pinterest (Abre numa nova janela) for Book Club Vibes & Seasonal Alignment Inspiration.

A few thoughts on “There she is again”

Please read she as an archetypal energy. What does that mean?

Venus, the Old Woman, The One who knows. Gathering your bones, which represent the indestructible soul-spirit.*

Read it as the part of you that knows, remembers, is innately intelligent, free, intuitive.

It’s the feminine within us all, a principle that helps us remember our creative, intuitive, life giving energy.

Where darkness and new life co-exist. Where contraction and expansion dance in a cyclical way.

It is Venus, yin, it’s found in the feminine Archetypes like Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces, in (self) mothering, in Goddesses like Bhuvaneshwari and Brigid.

It is the quality of transitioning from winter to spring, Imbolc.

I hope this serves you in some way.

Let’s remember and collect these parts of us together.

Through dancing more freely, sitting in ceremony, listening to our inner voice, sharing our truth.

Much love,


*More on that will follow soon! I’m referring to the first chapter of Women Who Run With The Wolves.

Tópico poetry

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