Fall madly in love with your life, and yourself.

It’s time to write this post. My heart, my body, my mind, all parts of me feel the soul’s call for unconditional love.
Dating showed me quite bluntly where I am at the moment, how devoted I truly am to my own life, how much I feel at home in my body, heart and mind.
Starting this blog, realigning in my business and collaborating more showed me how much I’ve held back in the past.
All these experiences show me, which (people pleasing) patterns are still active. What kind of people and situations I attract into my life.
Coming back to Germany, with a different intention, perspective and a lot to digest and integrate opened so many doors within and externally, that choosing love over fear, leaning into self love and feeling into what I truly want became a daily practice.
A moment of contraction, heaviness, holding back and restlessness brings me back home. Because I know that these are the signs for possible growth, and healing.
They are no longer a reason to spiral, circle, loose hope or isolate myself. Maybe for a moment — to be honest — but only until my heart, my higher self, my soul, nature, remind me that there’s a different path.
A different path ❀
A path I’ve chosen to explore, to form, to beautify.
A path where wild flowers remind us of our own true nature. Where oak trees grow, inspiring us to trust that we’re all here to grow in our own rhythm and time, remembering that everything we need to flourish has always been inside of us, from the very beginning.
A path nobody has walked before us. Asking us to truly feel into where we want to go — which might be, I’m not gonna lie, the most challenging yet freeing journey we can choose.
It asks for creativity, devotion, perseverance, commitment, trust, openness, and of course, love.
Sometimes, in a moment where it all seems like too much, I think back to when I began nourishing all these qualities, feeling immensely grateful for being able to welcome and feel such expansive states of existence. A voice in my head says, couldn’t you just stay there? And I know, this is the ego being afraid of “more” change. Wanting to hold on to the known. In my last post (Abre numa nova janela), I shared a quote, which describes this moment so accurately, so I’m sharing it again:

So instead of wishing this experience to be different, let’s cover it in love, like a soft, warm, cozy blanket, creating a little more comfort, so we can move through the discomfort, trusting the light within and all around us, helping us to open, unfold and bloom.
This act of self love is exactly what soothes our mind, reminds us of our own power.
Turning towards the light (within)
So let the intention to fall in love with your life and with yourself (which I think is so deeply connected) be the light and warmth that initiates your opening, your unfolding.
During this moment of contraction and closing, I contemplated how flowers “know” when it’s time to open, serving the ecosystem, bringing colour and joy into our lives.
Interestingly, there’s only a single protein initiating the whole process.
Can you think back to a moment, an experience, a situation, that initiated you to find and walk a different path? To believe in your own unfolding?
After initiation, a huge process gets activated, does this sound familiar? If we would only trust that our soul knows this process.
How would your life feel like if you trusted your own timing, the rhythm of your own unfolding? Knowing that everything you need to thrive lies within, ready to guide you.
What if you could turn towards the light (within), choose all the ways that warm your heart, let trust flow through your being.
There are so many ways to let love in.
To let love inform your next decision and move.
To fall in love with yourself, with your life.
It could be something like this:
Don’t wait any longer for life to happen, do the things you always wanted to do (on your own), the things you hope to do with your (future) lover one day (or a friend).
dance in the kitchen
sing in the car
start a creative project
look at yourself in the eyes
turn off your phone
write love letters (to yourself)
try something new
buy yourself ice cream
go for a sunrise or sunset walk
read on the sofa
massage your body
try a new recipe
go on an adventure
sign up for a dance class (or whatever you’ve always wanted to do, with our without a partner)
have breakfast in bed
explore your city or new places.
And slowly fall in love with doing things on your own.
Not because you have to, but because you’ll forever be in a relationship with yourself.
how silly of me
to forget that i am
the love of my life
If you’d tell me that you don’t enjoy spending time with yourself, I’d be a little suspicious, and I mean that in the most kindest, compassionate way.
It can be so confronting to spend time on your own, to sit with your own thoughts and emotions, especially if you’re used to doing things together, if you’ve been so busy.
If we don’t make space for our inner landscape, for the things we’d love to do but never did unless someone else joined or asked us, are we really living our own life? Are we creating from within?
Discover new parts of yourself, as if you were meeting yourself for the very first time.
What would you see? Appreciate? What would you be surprised by?
Can you meet yourself where you are, with curiosity and kindness?
While spending time with yourself, you’ll be confronted with the parts of you, that don’t feel comfortable making decisions on your own, wanting to lean on someone else, maybe feeling lonely, bored, restless.
But if you can shift your perspective and trust that these parts will eventually transform into something new, supporting a life that unfolds from within, your experience becomes less heavy. It’s worth the discomfort. The void. The lows.
Have you ever experienced the pain of growth? In your knees for example? It didn’t last forever, right?
And as I’m writing this, my own mood, energy and headspace completely shifted. From feeling heavy to inspired and full of love and gratitude.
From darkness to light, a natural process
We often think that something great and beautiful began with inspiration, an epiphany while living our best life, but mostly, something impactful has its roots in the darkness, in the mud. Where transformation begins. Where the seeds already contain its potential to grow into a specific, unique tree or flower.
So what if you’d rather ask how lovingly and devotedly you can nourish the soil, the seeds and plants instead of doubting and questioning our intuition and impulses?
And: Am I willing to let go of wanting to control what cannot be controlled?
And trust that the universe wants to co-create with you?
Begin where you are. Do not even start to compare yourself — and if jealousy does show up, can this be a sign for the fire that wants to fuel your own growth? Can it be a reminder that this is possible for you, too — if it’s really what you want?
I’ll continue to believe in your unfolding.
I believe you, me, all of us are here to thrive.
Contemplation & Journaling Prompts for Virgo Season

And with the beginning of Virgo Season, I invite you to ask yourself:
✿ How you can serve (your own unfolding)?
✿ How can you nourish yourself?
✿ How does falling in love with your own life, with yourself, look like?
✿ What is the one thing you can’t stop thinking about?
This is the time to lean into making it a reality — Virgo is an earth sign, supporting giving form to an idea, and is ruled by Mercury ☿, the planet associated with the mind.
Manifesting a life that represents your soul’s potential and your heart’s desire can be supported by a focused, clear and loving mind.
Check out my website (Abre numa nova janela) for support & inspiration ☯
And coming back to doing things on your own:
✿ What was the last thing you did on your own? What will you do?
Let me know in the comments & let’s inspire each other!
And remember, it doesn’t need to be big or what other’s like to do. For me, the little things make such a difference. Whenever I dance on my own, I feel so free to be myself, that it impacts all the other areas of my life — and it gives me hope that one day, I can express and move that way with someone else, without judging myself — that’s a topic for another day.
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Much love,
Teresa — and leave your comment, I’m so curious!