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por Team Voxeurop

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Subscribe to independent, ad-free journalism

Support a transnational European media outlet. Join a community of readers in over 30 countries. Get subscribers-only benefits.

Professional journalism is today concentrated in the hands of a few billionaires. By contrast, Voxeurop – Europe's first transnational press cooperative (Abre numa nova janela) – is 100% independent. Our capital is held by readers, journalists and translators of almost 30 nationalities! (Subscribers can become members by buying shares.) Subscribing to Voxeurop means guaranteeing our independence and supporting the work of a full team of journalists and translators.

Europe is the focus of our reporting

Climate change, democracy, migration and asylum, pressing social issues... The great challenges of our time do not stop at borders. To do its job properly, journalism can no longer be limited to purely national perspectives. At Voxeurop, we produce general-interest, multilingual reporting on the issues that cut across our societies, our borders, and our language barriers. We have readers in over 30 countries.

To be informed with a pan-European perspective is to be briefed at the level where the most important decisions are increasingly made. It is at this level that we most need reporting on matters of public interest. Being independent means being ready to upset the interests of multinationals. For example, by exposing their greenwashing operations, as we did in our investigation into European green finance (Abre numa nova janela). Your subscription will give us the freedom we need to dig up dirt.

Quality journalism should be shared

We produce our own reporting and analysis, but we also translate over 400 European sources. At Voxeurop, thanks to translation, you can read in your own language an article from a Belarusian opposition newspaper, an in-depth feature by a Greek investigative publication, or a reportage by a Romanian newsroom. This is content you won't find anywhere else.

As for our own work, it has been picked up by the big names in the European press: The Guardian (Abre numa nova janela) (UK), The Kyiv Independent (Abre numa nova janela)(Ukraine), Internazionale (Abre numa nova janela) (Italy), Die Tageszeitung (Abre numa nova janela) (Germany), Libération (Abre numa nova janela) (France) and many others. Subscribing to Voxeurop means supporting this kind of networked journalism, which delivers high-quality information to tens of millions of Europeans.

We owe our independence to those who support us. They give us our freedom to report on matters of public interest and to forge links across borders. Their loyal patronage means that 70% of our content is free to access. Subscription or donation (Abre numa nova janela): it's your choice! We need your support to continue producing independent journalism.