The One hundred and seventeenth Roving Ranger
Have a look at all Roving Rangers published so far. (Abre numa nova janela)
Special note
The Tolkien Birthday Toast, January 3 (Abre numa nova janela)The Roving Ranger and other of my ventures are reader-supported publications. To receive additional posts and support my work, consider becoming a paid subscriber.
Life & Works
Dec 29, 1966. Tolkien writes Letter 293 (Abre numa nova janela) - denying a request for an interview with the Scotsman (see note).
Dec 30, 1961. Tolkien writes Letter 236 (Abre numa nova janela) - niggling over the Puffin Hobbit edition and its “elfish” as well as mentioning a fell winter in Oxford.
Dec 31, 1960. Tolkien writes Letter 226 (Abre numa nova janela) - on ‘influences’
Jan 1, 1910. The earliest preserved diary entry (Abre numa nova janela) by Tolkien.
Jan 2, 1917. Tolkien declares himself fit to report for duty (Abre numa nova janela).
Jan 3, 1892. John Ronald Reuel Tolkien (Abre numa nova janela) is born.
Events & Shows
Arden Theatre in Philadelphia has The Hobbit in April & May 2025 (Abre numa nova janela).
Cannock Chase Council is proposing the closure of the Cannock Chase Museum (Abre numa nova janela), host to a Tolkien exhibition that attracted 90,000 visitors in 2016 (Abre numa nova janela).
The Silmarillion Writers’ Guild is celebrating its twentieth anniversary with Mereth Aderthad (Abre numa nova janela)(July 2025; proposals due Jan 15, 2025)
The people at the Tolkien Guide did a 2024 review (Abre numa nova janela). [Youtube]
The Lord of the Rings musical is coming to Singapore in August 2025. (Abre numa nova janela)
Jean Christoph-Carron, co-director and head of documentary films and series with ZDF/ Arte, notes that the new Tolkien documentary I am a part of has over “700k views plus 11k likes and over 700 supportive comments and praise on ARTE’s Youtube channels alone” (Abre numa nova janela) [Linkedin]
For all events check out the International Tolkien Fellowship (Abre numa nova janela) [FB] and the Tolkien Guide Calendar (Abre numa nova janela).
Scholarship & Fandom
Tom Hillman has Lúthien Unbound? (Abre numa nova janela)
Robin Reid has War of the Rohirrim & Hollywood "Feminism" (Abre numa nova janela) and Feminists & Tolkien (Abre numa nova janela).
doubtfulsea has The Toys of Dale (Abre numa nova janela).
Jeff LaSala has So I Saw The War of the Rohirrim . . . (Abre numa nova janela) (Abre numa nova janela)Merchandise & Franchise
The Yard VFX has provided a Rings of Power season 2 breakdown (Abre numa nova janela) | Interview: Production Designer Kristian Milsted Discusses (Abre numa nova janela) Season Two of ‘The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power’ [Awards Radar]
The Folio Society sees pre-tax profit up 137% for 2023-4 (Abre numa nova janela) [Bookseller]
Brick Tap says that two LEGO Icons sets with LotR in mind will happen 2025 - “Bag End” & “Gandalf vs. Durin’s Bane book nook" (Abre numa nova janela) | Théoden and Snowmane as a moving brick version (Abre numa nova janela) [both Instagram] (Abre numa nova janela)LotR: War of the Rohirrim will be coming to streaming services on Dec 27th, 2024 (Abre numa nova janela) [Deadline] and the steelbook edition (Abre numa nova janela) is scheduled for December 2025. [ (Abre numa nova janela)]
There are now LotR Squishmallows (Abre numa nova janela) [Instagram]
Warner Bros. has an Eye of Sauron Yule (Abre numa nova janela) log fire [Youtube]
Inter alia & Back in the Day
Lord of the Rings - Barliman Butterbur - actor, NZ screen and stage star David Weatherley dies aged 85 (Abre numa nova janela) [NZ Herald] (Abre numa nova janela)You can see Jay R Tolkien (Abre numa nova janela) at the trots in New Zealand. [Harness Link]
Witcher IV (Abre numa nova janela) is coming [Wertzone]
PEN America Report Confirms School Book Bans Are Surging (Abre numa nova janela) [Publishers Weekly]
For all things literature have a look at the Library Thing 2024 in Review (Abre numa nova janela).
Books by Richard Adams That Are Not By The Author of Watership Down (Abre numa nova janela).
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Then do consider using Steady (Abre numa nova janela) - it is an exceptionally easy to use option for all needs. Built originally for an independent journalists’ collective, Krautreporter (Abre numa nova janela), it is run by creative minds for creative minds. Think Patreon, just better.
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According to German law I have to inform you all links to enterprises, artists, products etc. are [unpaid advertisements.] Some purchase links may earn me a small commission from Blackwell's (Abre numa nova janela), (Abre numa nova janela), or Genialokal (Abre numa nova janela), the (independent) bookshops of my personal trust (one with a Tolkien connection!)
If you are interested in my other Tolkien-related work please have a look:
The Tolkienist Blog (Abre numa nova janela) : Facebook (Abre numa nova janela) : Bluesky (Abre numa nova janela) : Instagram (Abre numa nova janela) : Threads (Abre numa nova janela) : Mastodon (Abre numa nova janela).
As this is 2024 I would like to note that this newsletter is 100% human-made, curated by me, Marcel R. Bülles. This also holds true for everything I write with my blog and here at Steady. Also, the average time of curating this newsletter ranges from 12-16 hours for the bi-weekly edition and 6-8 hours for the weekly one.

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