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Plano 1 de 3: Membership to Hobbit standards
4,50 € por mês
54 € faturado anualmente — Poupe 10%
1 adesão como convidado

• Support my work on the Roving Ranger
• Get extra and earlier news on things actually newsworthy and/ or interesting
• Allow for more in-depth reporting on all things Tolkienian
• 200+ exclusive member posts for you to peruse, from Fingolfin's Findings to the Tolkien References Project, from all things Oxford & Tolkien to MeMes (Middle-earth Memories) and more.
• My thanks and gratitude.

Enter the hobbit hole ☺️

Plano 2 de 3: Membership to Elvish Standards
13,50 € por mês
162 € faturado anualmente — Poupe 10%
2 adesões como convidado

• Everything the Hobbits get!
• Early access to Steady-only reports, rants and reviews (at least twice a month!)
• Three postcards a year when you wish for them - maybe from Oxford?
• Out-takes and other audio messages and news from a podcast (or two) in preparation at the moment.
• My thanks and gratitude.

Plano 3 de 3: Membership to Arda Standards
29,70 € por mês
356,40 € faturado anualmente — Poupe 10%
3 adesões como convidado

• Everything the Hobbits and the Elves get!
• Get access to on-going research, plans for Steady,, publications, projects and more
• Be part of my travels and get reports, rants, and reviews as well as audio snippets from the places I am going to, keeping you up to date with places, people, and fandom
• There might be a book in the making - or possibly a digital publication on a regular basis? Keep informed about all of my plans like getting you an annual PDF magazine with the best from the Tolkienist
• Probably something else.
• My thanks and gratitude.

Plano 1 de 3: Membership to Hobbit standards
4,50 € por mês
54 € faturado anualmente — Poupe 10%
1 adesão como convidado

• Support my work on the Roving Ranger
• Get extra and earlier news on things actually newsworthy and/ or interesting
• Allow for more in-depth reporting on all things Tolkienian
• 200+ exclusive member posts for you to peruse, from Fingolfin's Findings to the Tolkien References Project, from all things Oxford & Tolkien to MeMes (Middle-earth Memories) and more.
• My thanks and gratitude.

Enter the hobbit hole ☺️

Plano 2 de 3: Membership to Elvish Standards
13,50 € por mês
162 € faturado anualmente — Poupe 10%
2 adesões como convidado

• Everything the Hobbits get!
• Early access to Steady-only reports, rants and reviews (at least twice a month!)
• Three postcards a year when you wish for them - maybe from Oxford?
• Out-takes and other audio messages and news from a podcast (or two) in preparation at the moment.
• My thanks and gratitude.

Plano 3 de 3: Membership to Arda Standards
29,70 € por mês
356,40 € faturado anualmente — Poupe 10%
3 adesões como convidado

• Everything the Hobbits and the Elves get!
• Get access to on-going research, plans for Steady,, publications, projects and more
• Be part of my travels and get reports, rants, and reviews as well as audio snippets from the places I am going to, keeping you up to date with places, people, and fandom
• There might be a book in the making - or possibly a digital publication on a regular basis? Keep informed about all of my plans like getting you an annual PDF magazine with the best from the Tolkienist
• Probably something else.
• My thanks and gratitude.