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Subscriber Playlist: Catch up on the Month That Was

All the music we wrote about in February, streaming here

As the air outside wafts with the promise of spring we’re back once again with your catch-up playlists of all the music we wrote about in the dank month of February. There’s over four-and-a-half-hours of the stuff, featuring the likes of Lyra Pramuk, Factory Floor, Jules Reidy, Moundabout, Heartworms, Marie Davidson, Richard Dawson, Squid, Jim Ghedi, aya, Alabaster DePlume, Andy Bell, Cardiacs, Imperial Triumphant, Youth Lagoon, White Magic For Lovers, Darkside, HTRK, Califone, Jenny Hval and Patrick Wolf. Thanks as ever for your support of tQ, if you enjoy these playlists please do tell your friends, family, acquaintances and even your enemies if they’ve got a few quid to send our way – we rely on subscribers to continue, and there’s always room on the broom.

To access the playlists, you'll need to become a Subscriber or Subscriber Plus tier member

Find out more here (Abre numa nova janela)

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