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Have you discovered ‘Rediscovered’

It’s been just over 4 weeks since Rediscovered was published, and it’s been absolutely heartwarming to read your reviews, be tagged in your posts on social media, and to hear how the book is resonating with you!

As well as being a book you are sharing with loved ones, friends, family, therapists, GP’s managers (to name a few!) as a way for them to better understand your late discovery journey, and for them to ‘be the change’ when it comes to autistic inclusion and allyship.

If you’ve read the book, please do consider leaving a review - reader recommendations make such a difference. This is a review from a reader in the USA which was left on Amazon..

“I read through this book in 2 days. As a late discovered autistic woman, I needed Asta’s educated, compassionate, courageous, wise, empowering, and hopeful voice. I’m so grateful for the research she has done on autism and how she is able to share that knowledge from first-hand experience, and also through the stories of many other women. I’m grateful she shared her own story of health struggles, which broke my heart for her and the rest of us autistic women who leave doctors’ offices not feeling heard, understood, and seen. My copy of this book is marked all over the place with my own notes. So much to think about it! Also, there are some fantastic analogies related to autism that I’ll never forget! Main message for me: I am worth advocating for.”

And do share your photos with me of you and the book, wherever you are reading it or maybe of the autistic allies in your life who are reading it too. Screen shot a favourite paragraph, or your notes and annotations. You can tag me in your posts on instagram and LinkedIn like this reader did, I mean how adorable is this?

Thank you to everyone who has bought a copy so far, or who is listening to the audio version and to all of you who are helping me to spread the message.

And if you are out and about and happen to pop into your local bookshop please do see if it’s on the shelves, and if it isn’t, ask your local bookshop to order some copies in (photos of rediscovered in a book shop are also greatly appreciated).

In the meantime I’ve got more episodes coming your way in S4 on the podcast. Our next one is dropping next Friday 4th April. I hope you are enjoying this new season as much as I am enjoying bringing these stories to you.

Our April member community news will be coming next week too so keep an eye on your inbox for that dropping, and our April member community connection circle is happening on Monday 7th April at 7pm (zoom link is in the mighty community space and the monthly news).

Much Love

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