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Upcoming Music Projects: Lo-fi Hop, Collabs, and More

I am excited to give you a glimpse into my current music projects. Currently, I am working on a new EP set to release in late May or mid-June. The EP will be a combination of Lo-fi beats and Boom Bap, featuring a lot of old-school content and beautiful drum kits. I am truly excited about this project and cannot wait to share it with you all!

Additionally, I am currently working closely with Jayzstylez on an album covering various beat genres, which is set to release next year. We are still in the middle of recording and working hard to ensure that we create something truly special that will resonate with our listeners. We are taking the time to make sure that every detail is perfect before releasing the album. I am truly excited about this project and look forward to sharing it with all of you once it's ready!

Aside from these projects, I am also working on several small solo projects as well as collaborating with various talented artists from Germany, France, Switzerland, and Spain. Some of these artists include Max Delay, Davibez, IsleofBeats, Bogart., Weneversleep, 6 Strings & Maschinen, and Timelapsx. It's a great opportunity to work with so many talented individuals and develop new creative ideas.

This EP is something I've been working on for a while now and I'm excited to finally share it with you all. It's a personal project that showcases my love for Lo-fi beats and old-school hip-hop. I wanted to create something that captures the essence of the genre while also bringing something fresh and unique to the table. I poured my heart and soul into this project and I hope that you can feel the passion and dedication that went into every beat. Stay tuned for more updates on the EP and I can't wait for you to hear it!

I am very much looking forward to releasing all these projects this year and hope that they will bring you as much joy as they bring me. Stay tuned for more updates and don't miss the release of these exciting new music projects!

Best regards,


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