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Become a member of Out of the Software Crisis

The first step towards making software suck less is recognising that it actually does suck. The second is to decide to be different.
por Baldur

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6 € por mês

• Support my work
• Exclusive essays, posts, and podcast episodes
• Access to web-based versions of my ebooks as serialised exclusive posts here on Steady
• Post commenting
• Preview upcoming work

Plano 2 de 3: Business Membership
24 € por mês
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• All the benefits of standard membership
• Give up to five coworkers or collaborators guest membership access

Plano 3 de 3: Corporate Membership
48 € por mês
10 adesões como convidado

• All the benefits of standard membership
• Give ten team members access to the ebooks, exclusive posts, and other membershib benefits

Plano 1 de 3: Standard Membership
6 € por mês

• Support my work
• Exclusive essays, posts, and podcast episodes
• Access to web-based versions of my ebooks as serialised exclusive posts here on Steady
• Post commenting
• Preview upcoming work

Plano 2 de 3: Business Membership
24 € por mês
5 adesões como convidado

• All the benefits of standard membership
• Give up to five coworkers or collaborators guest membership access

Plano 3 de 3: Corporate Membership
48 € por mês
10 adesões como convidado

• All the benefits of standard membership
• Give ten team members access to the ebooks, exclusive posts, and other membershib benefits

Até agora 2 membros apoiam Out of the Software Crisis com 12 € por mês

Objetivo atual

2% de 600 € por mês alcançado
Keep the newsletter on track with weekly essays, links, and notes. At least one "flagship" essay a month.

The Dream of Avoiding Failure

We all dream of working on software projects that make a difference but all too often the apps barely even run.

Over budget and buggy, we’re lucky if the services address even a part of the problem they’re supposed to.

Everything keeps changing, it feels like we’re constantly chasing after a moving landscape—Red Queen style (Abre numa nova janela). We dream of stability.

But There is No Stability

New frameworks appear daily. New platforms keep getting released that are said to be better than the existing ones in every way. Older frameworks keep adding features and changing old ones in a constant search for perfection. New libraries get made to solve old problems in better ways. Progress is constant—an unrelenting weight on everything we do.

Everything keeps getting better but our endless chase after these improvements leads to bugs, delays, and burnout.

Stability is Something We Create

We work within a software development community using a variety of systems. We choose the systems. We choose how to change them.

What we need is to be thoughtful about it because, if those  innovations are truly innovative, they’ll still be there a few months  down the line.

Out of the Software Crisis is an ongoing experiment by Baldur Bjarnason in learning to make better software by picking up ideas and approaches from both the creative industries and those in software that have already pioneered their way out of the framework muck.

Becoming a member gives you immediate access to over 170 thousand words of essays and ebooks available as exclusive posts here on Steady:

- Out of the Software Crisis (Abre numa nova janela)

- The Intelligence Illusion (Abre numa nova janela)

- Yellow (Abre numa nova janela)

- Bad Writing and other essays (Abre numa nova janela)

You also get access to previews of upcoming essays and other works as well as semi-regular exclusives. Together these form a library of ideas and approaches for how to get out of the software crisis.

You can get a sense of what to expect by reading through the archives of my blog (Abre numa nova janela), which also collects the essays I send to the Out of the Software Crisis newsletter.