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May News (Week 21)

Beloved Creature. Here are the weekly news from your COSMIC CHAOS CLUB

Moon Wisdom - Events - Witchy Tip - Cosmic News

Wishing you all a gentle week and good moods.

Moon Wisdom

The Next Moon Circle will be in June.

Join the Moon circle here:

Monday: Libra
With the Libra Moon waxing, we feel an increased urge for harmony and would like to devote ourselves to the beautiful things in life. This energy also helps us to socialize more and take things more lightly. In addition, this energy invites us to mediate rather than argue.

Good for:
Sports, planting, baking, traveling, reading, flat search, wellness and energizing and healing baths, washing hair, treat ingrown nails, meeting people, business meetings and conferences
(Libra represents bladder and kidneys)

Tuesday - Wednesday: Scorpio
The waxing Moon in Scorpio intensifies our emotional world. You can be indulgent with yourself these days and should not give in to anger and aggression. You may feel more argumentative or have the urge to sabotage yourself. Treat yourself with enough care for your soul during this intense moon phase.

Good for:
All kinds of sports, watering plants, harvesting herbs, lawn mowing, sowing flowers and herbs, treat ingrown nails, washing dishes, flat search, dying hair in black shades, weaning, reading, wellness and calming bath
(Scorpio represents sexual organs, bladder, excretory system)

Thursday- Saturday: Sagittarius (FULL MOON Thursday 15:53 CET)
Full moon energy in Sagittarius invites you to reorient yourself. Whatever plans come to mind, this powerful moon supports you with optimism and a lot of bubbling energy. Perhaps you also feel a thirst for adventure and the urge to delve deep into topics from culture, religion or philosophy.

Good for:
Traveling, hiking, reading, collecting herbs, fertilize plants, harvesting fruits, dying hair (especially in red shades), fasting and juice cure
(Sagittarius represents upper thigh and hip)

Sunday: Capricorn
Waning Moon in Capricorn is characterized by seriousness and a sense of duty. Physical work in particular goes well now. Allow yourself some free time and pleasure to recharge your batteries.

Good for:
Swimming, hiking,, painting, flat search, yoga to let go, cutting fine and thing hair, cutting hair in general for slow but healthy growth, short hair cuts, skin care, hair removal, nail treatments, starting diet, surgeries, dentist treatments, relaxing bath, removing weeds and combating pests, treatments for root plants, cleaning the house, decalcify,
(Capricorn represents knees, joints and bones)


This week you will find me (cosmic chaos) and the schedule of the movement social club here:

Tuesday 21st: Mat Pilates with Gustavo 6-7 pm
Yin Yoga with Anja 8-9 pm

Wednesday 22nd: Power Yoga with Linh 8-9 am
Vinyasa Flow with Barbara 6-7 pm

Tarot Night this Wednesday with Julia at zum starken August. Start 08:30 pm

Thursday 23rd: Rise and Shine Yoga Flow with Linh 8-9 am

Saturday 25th: Yoga & Dance with Barbara from 12 pm

Sunday 26th: EVENT (to celebrate the international menstruation day on May 28th) by Movement Social Club Berlin

Cycle Syncing Workout and Brunch with Barbara and Start: 11am

For Bookings with Movement Social Club - check out Momoyoga for Movement Social Club.

For Bookings with me, please use calendly or the Momoyoga Cosmic Chaos Club:

Witchy Tips

Saturday: this day is dedicated to the god of time and karma and the planet Saturn. A good day for protection, banishing and cleaning up your altar and tools. The energy of this day benefits from structure and discipline. If you have something to bring in order (spiritually / magical) this days is perfect for these kind of rituals, spells and practices.

Tea Time and Wonder Herbs
Enjoy a healing boost and some strengthening herbs. With these teas, you will feel healthy and strong. I suggest some of the following herbs for your tea blends.

Chamomile: In Europe, chamomile is used to aid in wound healing. It also reduces inflammation and swelling.Can be brewed as a tea, applied as a compress, or used topically to treat skin irritation.

Lavender: The herb’s therapeutic properties were traditionally used for treating insect bites and burns, cleaning wounds, and protecting against certain diseases. Known for its calming and soothing properties, lavender promotes relaxation and harmony and helps with better sleep.

Ginseng: The herb has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anticancer, anti-obesity, and antiviral properties. Ginseng helps improve circulation, boosts immunity, and protects against certain types of cancer.

Gingko: It’s used typically to enhance cognition. Also good for symptoms of dementia. The nut is used in traditional Chinese medicine for wheezing. It has also powerful brain-boosting properties.

Ginger: Has been used in many traditional medicines worldwide. More than 2,000 years ago, ginger was so valued for its medicinal properties that a pound of it was equivalent to the cost of a sheep. Used to remedy common ailments, such as nausea, pain, and vomiting. Anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties make ginger also an effective pain reliever.

Magical Supporter:
Carrying an obsidian or a hematite with you helps to reinforce your personal protection and to get rid off bad vibes and feelings. They also help you to stay grounded and accept things easier.

Candle Magick: Burning black candles to absorb negativity or to banish bad energies.
Burning purple candles to increase magical wisdom and your spirituality.

Taurus season loves styling:
Wearing the colors of the day, black and deep purple for strength and protection.

Kitchen witch:
Humans using garlic for thousands of years already. Traditional medicinal uses: preventing infection, lowering blood pressure, treating tuberculosis, colic, liver disease, and intestinal worms, and reducing fevers. Garlic has antimicrobial, anticancer, and anti-inflammatory properties.

Tarot Ritual:
To support yourself with protection, stability and spiritual growth, you can use the Wheel of Fortune (represents Sagittarius and perfect for the Full Moon).
The World represents Saturn in Tarot and the Devil represents Capricorn.

Cosmic News

What happens this week in the universe and how will it affect us?

Did you finally arrived in Taurus season. Its all about the beauty and joy in life. During this time, we are invited to celebrate our wealth and the harmony we experience in our relationships. Enjoy good food, wellness and some chill time, before the active season of Gemini starts.

Sun-Pluto Trine:
A Sun and Pluto trine signifies a powerful period of personal transformation and empowerment. This harmonious aspect allows for deep self-discovery and the uncovering of hidden strengths. Individuals may experience inner confidence and the ability to influence their surroundings positively. It also brings an opportunity to regenerate and renew aspects of one's life that have felt stagnant. The trine between the Sun and Pluto fosters profound growth and the realization of one's true potential.

Venus - Jupiter Conjunction:
A Venus-Jupiter conjunction brings an abundance of joy, love, and prosperity. This aspect is often associated with good fortune, enhancing both personal relationships and financial opportunities. It encourages a generous and optimistic outlook, making social interactions and partnerships especially harmonious. Creativity and artistic expression flourish under this influence, allowing for the creation of beautiful and meaningful works. The conjunction of Venus and Jupiter amplifies the positive energies of both planets, resulting in a time of great happiness and fulfillment.

Jupiter-Neptune sextile:
Fosters a harmonious blend of optimism and spiritual insight, encouraging growth through faith and imagination. This aspect enhances one's ability to dream big and pursue ideals with compassion and creativity. It creates opportunities for expanding one's horizons through artistic, philosophical, or spiritual pursuits, promoting a deeper understanding of life's mysteries.

Venus Pluto trine:
Brings an intense depth to relationships and emotional connections, fostering profound bonds and transformative love experiences. This aspect enhances passion and magnetism, making interactions more meaningful and compelling. It also encourages the exploration of hidden desires and the potential for healing and growth within intimate partnerships.


Do you like it? Let’s talk about it in the community.

Wishing you a gentle, powerful and magical week.

Much love


Tópico News and Wisdom

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