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Welcome to the new TarotScope for the Virgo season!

How did the cards of Leo season resonate with you? I have to admit, mine really hit the spot.

It's the end of August and late summer brings with it the first harvests. Lughnasadh (the first harvest festival) is behind us, and at the end of the Virgo season we celebrate Mabon (the second harvest festival). This time is perfect for stocktaking, detail work and tidying. Perfect for the Virgo season.

Where do I currently stand? How are my projects and my development going? Where do I need more order in my life? And which topics and projects will I complete by the third harvest festival (Samhain)?

In this season, we are more in our heads again, analysing and criticising, comparing and perfecting. The sign of Virgo is ruled by Mercury and thanks to Mercury's retrograde phase, we start the new season a little more calmly and thoughtfully. Expectations are often higher in the Virgo season, but so is the commitment. Those seeking grounding and order can establish this well now. Overall, the Virgo season stands for diligence, patience and precision. Perfectionism is a central theme; those who want to work on this now have the chance to say goodbye to unattainable expectations, which brings inner peace and balance.

I'm excited to see how you resonate with this TarotScope. Let's also take a moment to review Leo Season and the cards from last time together!

What to Expect:

  • How the current season influences the signs

  • The messages the Tarot cards have for the 12 zodiac signs and our community

  • Which themes and blockages need attention

  • Journal prompts and affirmations/mantras

This TarotScope is especially beneficial if you regularly reflect and enjoy journaling—or if you're about to start!

A TarotScope can act as a form of cosmic self-therapy, offering mindfulness and uncovering both your potential and blockages. It’s meant to bring you closer to who you are and to empower you, rather than stress you out.

Every month, I pour a lot of love and time into the TarotScope to provide you with a helpful guide or simply to entertain you. My TarotScopes are designed so that each season brings new themes that can assist you in processing, reflecting, or healing.

How to Make the Most of a TarotScope:

Look at your birth chart, for example, on (Abre numa nova janela).

You'll need your exact birth time, date, and location. A free natal chart will be created for you, showing where your Big 3 are located:

  • Sun ☉ - Self-expression & authenticity

  • Moon ☽ - Emotional, inner world & subconscious

  • Ascendant: AC - Appearance (how the world perceives you) & outward behavior

FREE HOROSCOPE ↓ (Abre numa nova janela)

Take a closer look at your Mercury this time. The sign of Virgo is ruled by Mercury and is usually rooted in the 6th house, if you'd like to take a look here too.

If a sign has several planets that are very close to each other, you can also look at the tarotscope for this sign. If you have any questions or want to exchange ideas, feel free to write to the community.

Well then, let's get started. :)

Tarot Decks:
left: Radiant Rider Waite
middle: Everyday Tarot
right: Sea Witch Tarot


I dedicate the first message to our Cosmic Chaos Collective:

Energy and Mantra for the period 24 Aug - 23 Sep Virgo season:

The three of wands

‘In the midst of difficulty lies opportunity.’

Albert Einstein.

The three of wands is the card of hope and confidence. Centering energy. What should the energy be channelled for? Who/what motivates me and who/what robs me of my energy? This card can point to new directions and for me personally it does. I see great potential in this community and I am confident. At the same time, I'm currently noticing how the energy in me is re-centring itself. What do I want to give you and what do I want to experience together with you? And there are so many ideas. So many ideas and anticipation for what is yet to come. Use the community channel to share more in the chat and let's find ways to bring our energy together.

And now have fun with the Tarot Scope for the Virgo season...




Fairness for Aries

Through balance and diplomacy to growth and success

Ups and Downs:


  • Up: We feel energized and have the strength to tackle goals with determination.

  • Down: Overexertion could lead to exhaustion if we don't respect our physical limits.


  • Up: We're focused and have the clarity needed to make important decisions.

  • Down: Our thoughts might get lost in too many details, leading to frustration.


  • Up: We feel a strong need for self-expression and honesty.

  • Down: Impatience might lead to impulsive reactions, especially in already tense emotional situations.

Dear Aries, the card for Virgo Season is: Justice. This season is about themes like balance, fairness, and equity. For the often direct and dominant Aries energy, this card can be particularly challenging, as Justice represents the opposing sign of Libra.

Where Aries tends to be straightforward, Libra energy is often more reserved. Communicating boundaries and managing anger are intense topics that require reflection, courage, and persistence. Finding balance here can become a lifelong journey. When the strong-willed Aries is confronted with the Justice card, it invites a moment of introspection and mindfulness.

This card encourages us to explore the concept of justice and examine areas where we may be self-righteous. How fair are we with others and ourselves, and where might we be judging others or ourselves too harshly?

During this season, we are called to restore our inner and outer balance. This also means reassessing our environment. Who supports our equilibrium and harmonizes with us? Who throws us off balance and triggers us? Not every trigger is inherently bad—often, triggers reveal areas within ourselves that need further work. We should pay close attention to which boundaries are crossed, the so-called "red flags," and what triggers us simply because we haven’t wanted to address it until now.

Here are some journal prompts to aid in self-reflection. Before diving in, take a closer look at the card and observe what catches your attention and what thoughts come to mind.

Want to read more? Become a Cosmic Chaos Reflect or Taropy member and receive the full TarotScope every month, along with access to the Telegram community.

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Tópico TarotScope

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