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September (Week 38 & 39)

Welcome to the Cosmic Chaos. Welcome new Members ♡.

Hello my dear creatures of the night, magic, nature and curiosity.

It's that time again, a new newsletter is waiting to be explored by you. This time there are new features that I hope you like as much as I do. :) Autumn has suddenly arrived, how have you been over the last few days? What are you looking forward to when you think about autumn? And what are your plans for Mabon (the autumn equinox at the end of September). You know, I always appreciate your messages via IG, Telegram or mail <3

We will celebrate the Pisces Full Moon and deal with another Lunar eclipse. Lot’s going on in the universe and so on earth. Time to let go - literally. This is the last Full Moon before a new Full Moon Cycle starts next month. Pisces the last and Aries the first. Are you ready for this? Reflect on your Pisces New Moon 6 month ago. What happened since then and what needs to go now, without any excuses?

Trigger Warning! - Sensitive Topic in our mental health section this month:
As some of you know, September is Suicide Prevention Month and I would like to talk more about this topic.
It is very close to my heart as I also struggle with suicidal thoughts almost every day and silent suicide is also a big issue in my life that I try to deal with on a daily basis. If you are struggling too, or know someone who is, then I hope today's information will help you or give you a little courage, strength or understanding. We are not alone. And together we can often carry this burden a little better. Prevention and education are important and can save lives.

I was silent over years and started my journey talking about it openly and authentic in 2020. Still ashamed and blaming myself for not being strong, resilient or what ever society expected me to be after witnessing lots of traumatic situations during my childhood until today. I’m very hard on myself as I really wanna survive. I always recognize my life will, when it comes to very serious medical appointments, like cancer prevention, MRTs and other stuff. But during the rest of the time, my body and mind fights me and my will to live. Which makes it often so hard to stay focused, healthy or to trust the process. It’s an everyday ride. Some days are wonderful and encouraging but many, many other days are just a fight… an endless fight, it seems. Therefore I share as open as possible. So we can relate or expand our horizon, embracing empathy or just being more mindful and aware of how we treat each other. With this in mind, I send you lots of sunshine in your heart and a big hug. Let's light up the dark days together.

Gratitude & Love


And now let’s start ...

Wishing you all two gentle weeks and good moods. Enjoy the news <3



You love Tarot, self-reflection and shadow work?
You wanna learn more about Tarot, Astrology and Yourself?

Send me a mail with: “Waiting list” and get the infos about my new 40 days online retreat to bring order in your inner chaos and balance your light and your darkness. Learn Tarot and Astrology while discovering Yourself. Nothing required except curiosity, self-care time and honesty with yourself.

Starting from October. More infos via mail.


Fall Reflection Urban Retreat

Save the date:
October 13th -14th you will find a special weekend retreat at the Movement Social Club. Barbara the founder of the club had the wonderful idea, to create a weekend at the studio full of Yoga & Dance, Meditation, Tarot, Pilates, Soulbody Breathe®, Brunch, Goodies and more.

“Why Join?
Fall can be a time of solitude, but it doesn’t have to be lonely. This retreat is about coming together, making new connections, and supporting one another as we move into a season of rest and preparation. It's a time to slow down, reflect, and emerge recharged for the spring ahead.”

Tickets are limited and we offer Early Bird Tickets (Abre numa nova janela). Set intentions with us, release and get ready for the dark months. Together with your favorite Community.



This time, I drew cards from the -your wise animal body- deck and the magic was incredible. Every moon sign just got the perfect card. It is always fascinating how wonderful our energy works when we feel connected to what we are doing. This deck definitely found me. And I'm thrilled with how much it brings my heart themes together. I hope you enjoy the messages from the cards and a little insight into moon magic. ♥︎

And here is a spread for Pisces Full Moon:

The Pisces full moon represents intuition, dreams, letting go and spiritual clarity. The lunar eclipse amplifies these energies and invites us to allow deep inner change:

Let's share our spreads in the community when you feel like you wanna share it.


Mabon is just around the corner and here is a Tarot Spread for this Autumn Equinox:



For Tarot Readings, Spiritual Consultations or Tattoo Appointments with me, contact me via mail or dm via Insta or: ♥︎

Check out the new classes and upcoming events at Movement Social Club. Meet familiar and new faces, dive into cool topics, experience powerful & mindful sessions, enjoy gentle and holistic wellness. ★

AND last but not least:

Summer is done and we can get tattooed again. It’s finally time to book your SACRED INK RITUAL.

It will combine Tarot, Meditation, Witchcraft (Sigil Magick), Breath Work and Tattooing.
The ritual takes half a day, as it is individual and intensive. I want to make sure you get the space and time it takes to find your right symbol and connect with your intentions.

We’ll start with a Tarot reading and a meditation, related to the reading and your intentions (1hr). This helps us to find symbols, numbers and informations. Then creating your own and individual sigil together (1.5-2hrs) and finalizing the ritual with a tattoo session and breath work to awake the magick of the tattoo (1.5-2hrs).

If something is coming up directly, keep it in mind and contact me if you are curious to talk about it: ❤︎

Intentions can be: Protection, Healing, Fulfillment, Encouragement, Growth, Abundance, and much more.
Send me a mail and make a reservation to experience a unique journey to your inner needs and wishes and the next level of intention setting.


Wishing you lots of magical moments.

Much love


Tópico News and Wisdom

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