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Lukas Britschgi: "No one can take this away from me!"

With a sensational performance, Swiss figure skater Lukas Britschgi became European Champion in Tallinn. One day after the biggest success of his career so far, we met him for an interview.

Congratulations on winning the European Championships! How do you feel shortly after such a big achievement?

Lukas: To be honest, I still can't fully grasp it. It feels completely surreal. I think I need some time to process everything. It's incredible. No one can take this success away from me. It wasn't even a dream of mine because it just seemed so unrealistic. Winning a medal was always a goal of mine, but I knew even that would be difficult this year. I also know that I benefited from mistakes made by others. When Adam Siao Him Fa is at his best, he is unbeatable for me.

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