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In with the new, and some of the old

Hello Steady backers of the Norwich Radical,

And happy new year! We had promised you regular updates, but we also have had very little to update you on (until now) so we decided to not clog your inboxes instead. 

Last we wrote to you we mentioned how we would be using your financial support to develop merchandise and promotional material. This is what we have arranged so far:

  • We have some shiny new business cards, updated with addresses and platforms to reach us and read us.

  • Our sticker designs are finalised (see below), and printing is imminent! The artist is the excellent Sara J Harrington (Abre numa nova janela), a former contributor to the publication.

  • We have paid for our domains and hosting for another year. We have also decided to take down the warofwordsconference domain, in line with a recent decision to retire the War of Words concept. Independent, left-wing media has come a long way since we first ran WoW in 2016, and other organisations are now much better placed to run well-funded independent media conferences than us! This doesn't mean we are swearing off from organising other kinds of events in the future; we're just recognising that we are better positioned to be participants in large-scale events than organisers.

One final piece of news: 2023 will see some radical changes to our publication model, and we will have more details on that very soon. We may continue to be quiet for a little while, but the site will not be going away. Your support is crucial and - as always - incredibly appreciated.

Stay tuned for more, and stay Radical!

-- The Norwich Radical Editorial Team

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