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Tadaaaa! Episode 1 is launched!

photo: violet oil beetle (Meloe violaceus)

I still can't believe it, but it just happened (at 37,5°C!): Now the "real" podcast started (after episode 0 as an intro and one of the small and irregular "precuts" = blog posts).

Listen to episode 1 HERE (Abre numa nova janela) or at platforms like Google, Spotify & Stitcher (as it was uploaded right now, it will take some time that the feed is updated everywhere).

EP 01: The Mess We Hate And The Beauty Of Brambles

Travel  with NatureMatchCuts through times and spaces, and follow me deep into the brambles: Meet a pugnacious Madonna in the bushes and a sensitive Triceratops at breakfast. A beautiful creature fights against a garden of horror and teaches us more laziness. We look at hedges while having  our perspective changed by a dog. Reconnect with nature with my scripted podcast between Nature Writing and science.

If you like it: recommend it, share it without restraint!

If you want to support my work, you can become a member of our community here on Steady! You can become a springtail, a brimstone, a leaf cutter ant and even mycorrhiza - just choose your favourite plan.

Find very information about NatureMatchCuts on my Website (Abre numa nova janela)

Thank you so much for every motivation and especially for listening!

Kind regards from the French Nature Park Vosges du Nord,


PS: Much in podcasting is learning by doing for me. So I apologise again that I had to postpone this episode one week because of construction machines in front of my studio. Next time I would work at night, but the heatwave exhausts me too much ... so I sleep at night.

I still have to solve the entry to Apple. Unfortunately, it's more complicated than I thought, especially as they don't give any error messages. Some hosters get you in there automatically, but that costs a lot of money every month, which I don't have. And my hoster belongs to Apple's competition. But it would be a laugh if I didn't solve this problem one day. So sorry to all Apple users at the moment!

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