The Countdown Is On
The new domain for my podcast is up and running: (Abre numa nova janela)
That's my little victory in IT. As we all know, the devil is in the detail. And so it took me no less than 2 weeks to find out what was wrong with the security certificate for my new domain. Sometimes you should just pull the plug. So I simply deleted the old SSL-certificates and entered new ones - and lo and behold, everything works. Now I can write the texts for the platforms where you can listen to the podcast.
The countdown is on. In the meantime, I'm busy editing the famous Episode 0, for which I've found not only fantastic music. You can even hear my neighbour's rooster, and that's the way it has to be. Nature! Only the outro and the finishing touches are missing.
Image showing Audacity Software with sound waves
Then I will speak and edit the 1st episode. As befits the technique of a match cut (I explain what that is in Episode 0), different stories entwine around a theme. Like twining tendrils in spring - I seriously thought I could talk about brambles for an hour without you falling asleep.
Fortunately, that was only the first inspiration and I hopped from one thorn to the next. We want to shift perspectives! When I was looking for an entry theme, I became alert: there were so many people who perceive nature as dirty. Others hid photos of beautiful bugs on social media or replaced their already hostile golf lawn with plastic. What is going wrong? I had my theme for Episode 1: "Everything we hate." Don't worry, it will be entertaining because right at the beginning a voracious triceratops will stomp onto the world stage.
I'll keep it short because there's still a lot of work to do.
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