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Tell Us Your Album of the Year - 2022

Nothing beats a great end-of-year list, right? Throughout the year, music lovers are mentally calculating which albums will be featuring in their year-end 'best of' compilation. 

Here at Louder Than War towers, our writers' 'best of' has always been one of the most eagerly anticipated features of the year. Trust me, it can also result in some 'healthy debate'. 

This year, we want to do things a little differently. As well as the writers' list, we want to hear from you - our most loyal readers and subscribers. We would love you to tell us your top 3 albums of 2022. Simply reply to this email with your top 3 by Friday 18th November and we will publish your collective top 10 early in December. 

We can't wait to hear your thoughts.

All the best.


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