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The Insane Benefits of Level Three Workouts You Didn't Know About! (Abre numa nova janela)

LEVEL 3 Kettlebell workouts and programs train you for the following:

1️. Produce more power (work) - which can make you stronger, more explosive, and even build more lean muscle mass

2️. Build strength-endurance - the concept of “all day strong,” like a bricklayer, or farmhand, which of course means you have all-day energy and never get tired

3️. Develop power-endurance - the ability to produce high levels of power/work over a set period of time, or set periods of time

4️. Improve your health - they make you more glucose tolerant and insulin sensitive (fights off Type 2 Diabetes), and build a stronger, healthier, heart and cardiovascular system, so you fight off heart disease and live longer, in a younger body

5️. Reforge your physique - they burn fat, and build muscle, without pumping out multiple reps of multiple exercises for each bodypart or spending hours on a treadmill in the “fat-burning zone”

Learn More on My Following YouTube Channel: (Abre numa nova janela)
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