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Don't follow a diet. Instead use "Supportive Nutrition" (Abre numa nova janela)

Dieting = Deprivation.

Supportive Nutrition = Energy Management and Resource Allocation.

Let me explain quickly.

When you go on a diet, you’re immediately faced with all the things you can’t eat.

Which of course makes you want to eat them more.

So you do, and the diet fails.

Then you repeat this ad nauseum until you keep going in circles and finally give up.

Supportive Nutrition by contrast, structures eating in such a way to keep energy levels high, while reversing fat-storing negative feedback loops, freeing up more and more stored body fat to be used as fuel

Furthermore, it reboots “healthy function” of your body’s cells and organs, reversing much of the “disease states” by flooding those cells and organs with vitamins, minerals, and the nutrients they need to thrive.

Set up correctly, a Supportive Nutrition plan increases your daily energy, supports strength and muscle gain, and retrains your metabolism to run hot again.

And no, you don’t need to cut out whole food groups like carbs or fats. You can actually use them to your advantage.

Learn More on My Following YouTube Channel: (Abre numa nova janela)
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