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For Music-First Audiophiles.

Join Darko Audio through the world of high-end audio!
por John Darko

Escolha a sua subscrição

Plano 1 de 4: Official
5 € por mês

In addition to my gratitude, you get:
• Ad-free versions of YouTube videos
• Playlists of music heard (and seen) in YouTube videos
• Early access to podcasts

Plano 2 de 4: All-access
10 € por mês

In addition to my extended gratitude for your support, you get:
• Everything in the previous tier
• Darko's monthly 'Now Playing' playlist
• Exclusive video & podcast content

Plano 3 de 4: All-Access Plus
19,50 € por mês

(By popular demand) Maybe my video, podcast or website article helped you find the right piece of audio hardware. Maybe you like my music tips. Maybe you dig my overall attitude toward hi-fi. This is for people who wish to show a little extra appreciation for my work (with zero expectation of anything extra in return).

Plano 4 de 4: VIP
48,50 € por mês

You're super serious about supporting what I do. THANK YOU. In return, you get:
• Everything found in the previous tiers
• (from your second month onwards) 30 minutes of WhatsApp time with me - text or voice - in which we can tackle hi-fi advice specific to your needs

Plano 1 de 4: Official
5 € por mês

In addition to my gratitude, you get:
• Ad-free versions of YouTube videos
• Playlists of music heard (and seen) in YouTube videos
• Early access to podcasts

Plano 2 de 4: All-access
10 € por mês

In addition to my extended gratitude for your support, you get:
• Everything in the previous tier
• Darko's monthly 'Now Playing' playlist
• Exclusive video & podcast content

Plano 3 de 4: All-Access Plus
19,50 € por mês

(By popular demand) Maybe my video, podcast or website article helped you find the right piece of audio hardware. Maybe you like my music tips. Maybe you dig my overall attitude toward hi-fi. This is for people who wish to show a little extra appreciation for my work (with zero expectation of anything extra in return).

Plano 4 de 4: VIP
48,50 € por mês

You're super serious about supporting what I do. THANK YOU. In return, you get:
• Everything found in the previous tiers
• (from your second month onwards) 30 minutes of WhatsApp time with me - text or voice - in which we can tackle hi-fi advice specific to your needs