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Great Question

Monday, 18th of December 2023  

Introducing you to the power of asking questions one Great Question at a time.

Have you ever been helped by a stranger?

After my flight from New York to Frankfurt a couple of days ago, I wasn’t feeling well at all, a little confused, shaking, when a stranger noticed and approached me. He showed me the way to the train station, and we started chatting. Every minute I felt worse. He was very attentive and noticed that something was off. And he helped me again. All the way to the train station and into the train. He asked questions, he listened. We had a beautiful conversation, his comforting words and the gesture of being present and supporting - a complete stranger - blew my mind. It showed me again how important it is to pay attention and to take care of each other, not only within our communities but with strangers too. Better asking too much than too little.

“Can I help you?”, “Are you ok?, “I have the feeling you had a tough day, is there anything I can do for you?”

I feel a lot better today and I can’t wait to return the favor to a stranger in need.

And to “my” stranger, if you read this: This was a heroic act. Nothing but gratitude to you!

Until next time,


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