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Help me, help you! Become a member and help me make FLIXY the best it can be!

The social film & tv app. Find your friends, see what they're watching, check out their reviews, and #MakeMovieNightGreatAgain!
por Andrew Schär

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Plano 1 de 3: Plan 1
2,50 € por mês
Plano 2 de 3: Plan 2
5 € por mês
Plano 3 de 3: Plan 3
10 € por mês
Plano 1 de 3: Plan 1
2,50 € por mês
Plano 2 de 3: Plan 2
5 € por mês
Plano 3 de 3: Plan 3
10 € por mês

Say hello to FLIXY  (Abre numa nova janela)— the social film & tv app that helps you discover movies and tv shows you’ll really want to watch.

Have you ever wasted hours just searching through Netflix (and the like) for the right content to watch? Do you catch yourself scrolling through IMDb but find that it’s mostly just a ‘Wikipedia for movies’, and that the star-rating system is vague and unreliable? Us too.

When it comes to movies and tv shows, we’ve found that the best opinions to trust are your friends’. Enter FLIXY.

By showing you what your friends are watching, enjoying, reviewing, and recommending, FLIXY saves you loads of time and helps you discover films and tv shows you’ll actually like.

FLIXY is currently in closed beta, but we’re launching soon. FLIXY is entirely self-funded - I don't have investment from anyone, and that means that keeping the servers running and creating new features is costly. I can only do it with your help! 

I'm looking forward to making movie-night great again for millions of people around the world. And in case I don’t see ya… Good afternoon, good evening, and goodnight ;)