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A recommendation: Fly Me to the Moon

"NASA needs a marketing specialist, and you are the very best." There's an under-the-radar movie now playing in theaters that is one of these feel-good movies that we don't get many of nowadays. As critics love to say, they don't make 'em like they used to – and this is one of those movies they don't make anymore. An "adult" drama for grown-ups, that’s light and easy and amusing and charming. Fly Me to the Moon is the name of this movie, the latest feature directed by Greg Berlanti (who also made the romcom Love, Simon (Abre numa nova janela) – another fave from a few years ago). Whether or not you end up catching this in theaters while it's playing now, or at home when it's streaming on Apple TV+ eventually, all that matters is you take the time to watch it. And it's best enjoyed with a big bag of buttery popcorn. This movie left me feeling all warm and fuzzy. I enjoyed it way more than I expected, as it's not really a romantic comedy, it's more of a clever comedy set at NASA during the Apollo era in the late 1960s. It's cute and funny and blissfully entertaining. And I really like the ultimate message of the whole story more than anything else (you have to watch to find out, of course). Plus I'm a sucker for any Apollo mission movies, so yeah, this totally got me good. And I expect it'll leave most people with that warm and fuzzy feeling when they watch it. I miss good movies like this that aren't overcooked or heavy-handed or overly melodramatic - this one hits that sweet spot.

Fly Me to the Moon, also known as simply To The Moon, is directed by Greg Berlanti, from a screenplay written by Rose Gilroy. Scarlett Johansson stars as Kelly Jones, a Madison Ave marketing expert who is quietly recruited by the government to work for NASA. She heads down to Florida to start working for them to help NASA improve its public image and maintain the enthusiasm for landing on the Moon, or else they might lose the funding they certainly need. There she needs Cole Davis, starring Channing Tatum, the Apollo Launch Director who is a science-minded, engineering specialist and former pilot – focused on making sure nothing goes wrong with the launch and they can make it to the moon and back safely. They clash, but of course, that friction creates a few sparks which begin to glow as they get closer and closer to launch day. The fun supporting cast includes Woody Harrelson as the G-man who hires Kelly, Jim Rash as a kooky director hired to make a fake moon landing look real (as a backup in case something goes wrong, but of course), and Ray Romano. If anyone is looking for a good movie to take their mind off the weight of the world for a while, and to feel inspired by the greatness of the Apollo missions, this one is entirely worth your time and money to enjoy. You'll laugh, you'll smile, you'll kiss your loved ones, and you'll want to recommend it to all of your friends, too. Get ready for a safe & satisfying launch with Fly Me to the Moon.

For more details on how to watch this comedy, visit the movie’s official site (Abre numa nova janela).

Tópico Recommendations

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