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Excuse me, is this the way to Heaven?

In my videos, I share with you about what‘s possible for every human being and yet no one believes possible. Support me in this!
por Dhyan Mikael

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Até agora 1 membro apoia Dhyan Mikael: Excuse me, is this the way to Heaven?

How beautiful that you are here!

You can find all of my videos including texts on (Abre numa nova janela), in English as well as in German.

My videos are my life project, my heart project. Nevertheless, it requires money and – above all – a lot of time. The more support I get from people like you, the more time I can spend making new videos.  

During the start-up phase, I can make one video per week, in German as well as in English. But that's just the beginning.

I want to do much more: several in-depth videos per week, maybe short videos in the morning, and, what is especially close to my heart: every morning a 15-minute book reading from Shivkrupanand Swamiji's autobiography ❤️, whose Samarpan Meditation I mention so often – there is no better start to the day. Everything in both German and English, of course.

How far I get with it, and how fast, depends on the support this project gets. Further below, I'll tell you a little bit about what I'm doing and why.

And who knows what else may happen. This is only the beginning! I am happy that you are here. Best regards,

Dhyan Mikael

Why do you actually make videos?

For over 20 years, during my life of travel with the spiritual master Soham, I have seen thousands of people every year who were searching for lasting happiness, for true peace, for God.

Without knowing it, however, most of them were closed to the very thing they were seeking - and to those who could show them the way. For Western people, gurus and masters are deeply suspect. Peace, happiness and freedom are for most people nothing more than mental ideas, without tangible reference.

That's when I decided to share my own experience: about how being happy, being with a master, being with a guru, how this peace, freedom and heaven thing really works, in a very practical way for an ordinary person like me.

It is so simple! Only devotion is needed for it and therefore trust. By reporting again and again about everything I have experienced and continue to experience, I would like to encourage others to also open up to what they already feel within themselves. So that more and more people find their way to happiness, to heaven.

Why should I support you?

Support me if it brings you joy.  Support me when it pleases you to let my work continue and grow. I also make these videos because nothing else gives me such joy, and nothing else gives me such wonderful energy. Joy is a good compass.

Yes, of course it is also an opportunity to contribute to a bright world in peace. When a person finds happiness and peace within himself, the world around him becomes happier and more peaceful as if by itself. When a person ignites the inner light, the world around him also becomes brighter. The more people do this, the more peaceful and the brighter the whole world becomes. It starts with each individual - with you, with me. That's how the world comes into peace, and that's how people really come together.

My videos are a contribution to this process. Through your support you help me with this. Thank you for that!

Why do you need support at all?

Because making videos costs money - and a lot of time. This is not a hobby - it is my life project, where all my joy and energy goes, professionally done both in terms of quality and content: I give it my all - honestly, authentically, genuinely, and uncut.

In addition to the time I spend with talking and filming, there's the time it takes to prepare and publish the video, audio and text. On top of that comes the cost of equipment, hosting, electricity and for Steady. And although this is a project that lives on donations, of course I also have to pay taxes and duties on it.

Your support not only allows me to keep the equipment running. The most important thing that your regular membership contributions give me is time - time for making new videos, time that I would not have without your support.

All your content is accessible to non-members, why should I pay for it?

I am not selling anything here, and membership fees are not a payment. What I have to share came to me itself as a gift, I paid nothing, it is, in the truest sense of the word, priceless. And that's exactly how I want to pass it on. So there is no exclusive members only content here.

Still, of course, it only works if I get support. On average, about 2 percent of regular viewers support the project, so every single membership is an enormous support and a blessing for my work.

What are thr advantages of yearly payments:

For you: less bookings, less hassle.

For me: more predictability, less payment provider fees - more of your  money is reaching me.

Why do you create all your videos in both German and English?

Until recently, I could not even imagine speaking to people in my native language German- let alone in English! But when the inspiration for this project came, it was clear from the beginning: everything should be told in German and also in English!

And when I made the first videos, I experienced something amazing: I speak differently, I feel differently, I am different, depending on the language I use in the video. Not only the tone of voice changes, but also the way I express the same things and the way I talk about them.

I speak freely in each video, without a script or mental concept, and therefore the two language versions are often quite different.

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