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Three Islands, Three Different Stories - Join Us in Making a Difference

Dear reader,

This is the AthensLive team. Did you miss us? You didn’t receive an email from us for the past couple of weeks because we would like to know if our service is interesting to you and if that’s the case, ask you to become a paid member. We have three tiers of support starting from 6€ / month and it would mean a lot to us and our mission.

As we witness the stories of Amorgos, Astypalaia, and Tilos unfold, we are reminded of the delicate balance between progress and preservation. These three islands, each with its unique challenges, are facing the pressures of modern tourism, development, and the humanitarian crises of our time. From the towering cruise ships altering Amorgos' pristine landscape to the looming threat of overdevelopment in Astypalaia, and the heartwarming tale of baby Ionas finding refuge on Tilos, these stories call for our collective action.

We invite you to become a member and join us in our mission to protect these cherished islands. Your support helps us continue our efforts to promote sustainable tourism, advocate for responsible development, and highlight the importance of compassion in these trying times.

Let’s work together to ensure that the beauty, culture, and humanity of our islands are preserved for future generations. Join us today and be a part of the change.

Warm regards,

The AL team

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