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Happy Greek Easter!

Dear AthensLive Community,

Happy Greek Easter to you all! As we come together to celebrate, we're also keeping an eye on the latest happenings across Greece.

This week, we've witnessed some significant events that have sparked widespread reactions. The early release of Nikos Michaloliakos, leader of the neo-nazi Golden Dawn, despite his unrepentant stance, has stirred strong emotions and concern about justice in Greece. Meanwhile, the recent court decision regarding the 2018 Mati wildfire, which led to tragic losses, has left many questioning the accountability of those in power as none of the politicians were convicted.

In another shocking development, the Deputy Health Minister for Mental Health, Vartzopoulos, made headlines with his controversial comments on femicide, suggesting a biological basis for male aggression. This has prompted a serious backlash from psychiatric and psychotherapy professionals, who criticized the reductionist view that overlooks the complex social dynamics contributing to gender-based violence.

We're committed to bringing you these important stories, shedding light on our society's challenges, and advocating for justice and accountability. If you find our work valuable, please consider becoming a member of AthensLive. Your support enables us to continue providing in-depth coverage and fostering informed community discussions. Just hit the button below!

Wishing you a peaceful and joyful Easter,

The AthensLive Team

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